
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Help! Maui Can't Pull The Sun!

Welcome back readers, 

In today's blog, I will be sharing with you what we have been doing in our reading hurumanu class. And our topic for the next two weeks in New Zealand Myths and legends. Today's topic is all about Maui pulling the sun. But you won't learn anything about how Maui pulled the sun, it's about me making an advertisement for someone Maui because doesn't got the strength anymore. 

The activity I did was on canvas because it's always there and free. It's the best website to create any slideshows nor posters. The activity is pretty much straightforward, the task was just to make an advertisement for someone to pull the sun rather than Maui because he's tired. 

Here is my poster: Just click on it to zoom in.

I think I did pretty well and made my poster with absolute creativity. The Canva website was pretty interesting to use and this activity was actually unique because of the advertisement I had to make. I hope our reading activities will be more fun and interesting. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog post. Hope you enjoyed my poster. Don't forget to leave a comment. Have a great awesome day(:

Thursday, November 4, 2021

An Interesting Art Task (7/8 Art)

 Welcome back viewers, In the past week in my art class, we have been focusing on Henri Rousseau's paintings and learning the 6 terms. The six terms are background, middle ground, foreground, foliage, print, repetition. 

The task was to choose a picture and cut out the foreground, middle ground, and background. We labeled them, write where it is and what they meant. Secondly, we analyze where the print and foliage and where the repetitions were. The reason we did this was that Henri Rousseau was seemingly an excellent painter because of all the skills and interesting art he did. 

The task was seriously interesting because we gain knowledge and learned new terms and examine where each and every part was. It was very fun doing this activity and would like to do more of it. 

Here is my art piece:

Hope you enjoyed my blog post and thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Make sure to leave feedback.