
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dinosuar compositions | Jungle Motto-print

 Welcome back bloggers, for the past few weeks we had been working on something new in art class. We learnt new techniques and learnt the colour combinations. 

The task that we've been focusing on is dinosaur compositions, which means we trace a picture on baking paper and print it out. After it is printed we coloured it in and mixed different colours to make it interesting. And the other task that we've learnt how to do is jungle motto print, which basically means putting colours on the roller and pasting it on the plastic sheet. Then use our dinosaur compositions to trace the thing we want. The colours that I used for my first try was black, pink and yellow. When I first tried it, it was ridiculous and didn't want it to turn out that way. But my second try was amazing because I could see some of the things that I traced. 

Here are some pictures of my progress: 

As you can see on this second try of jungle motto print some of the tracings I've done worked really well. You could see some plants and the dinosaur that I've traced on the dinosaur compositions. 

During this past week, I loved what we did because it was something new and I've never had experienced it before. I learnt lots of things such as mixing colours and shading colours to different textures. This term art subject was really successful for me because I learnt new things that I didn't know about and we did fun art-related stuff. 

Thank you so much for taking the time and reading my blogpost, hope to hear your feedbacks(:

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