
Monday, January 6, 2020

SLJ: (Day 4 Activity 3) Brochure!

Hi guys,

Welcome back to your favourite blogger in the whole universe. In this blog post I have another Summer Learning Journey blog post to share with you. ' Thank you so much for all your positive feedbacks.

The challenge for this activity is: Imagine that you were asked to create a travel brochure for Tonga or a country that is special to you. On the brochure include lots of great tips about what to see and do on the country.

I created this on Venngage because I wanted to be more creative with m work. By the way the Flights are not true and three of them are true.

My country that I choose was Tonga because I didn't read the task properly. 'I need to read the task properly'):

But anyways here is my Brochure:
Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post.

Question of the day: If you had to go on a country what country would you go and tell me why?


  1. Malo e lelei Shadrach!

    What an awesome travel poster! You've included so much information but it's still a super easy to read and eye-catching post - well done! Have you been to Tonga before? I've been to Samoa and Fiji but I haven't yet made it to Tonga. I'd love to go during whale season though; I hear it's amazing!

    Keep up the great blogging, Shadrach. I can't wait to read more posts from you soon! And remember, as well as earning points for every activity you do, you'll receive extra points for every quality comment you leave on other peoples' Summer Learning Journey posts!


    Mikey :)

    1. Malo e Lelei Mikey,

      Welcome back!

      Thank you again for replying on my blog post. And all the positive feedback you gave me. That's cool you have wen't to different countries before. I actually haven't went to Tonga before and any other countries except from New Zealand and Philippines.

      And last of all that you for the good tips to earn points in the Summer Learning Journey. Hope you ave a great day.(:

    2. Mōrena Shadrach,

      Thank you. It feels like I've been away for AGES with all the posts I've come back to. :) What have you been up to over the last few weeks?

      You are more than welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to my feedback so thank you! :)

      That's exciting - you still have lots of wonderful countries left to explore. Where would you like to travel to?

      Have a great day, Shadrach.

      Mā te wā,


  2. Hi there Shadrach
    My name is Nadia and I am a year 11 student from Hornby High,
    This is a great poster! It's awesome how you managed to include so much information on that nice compact poster. It is very easy to read and everything that's on it makes sense and looks attractive. I myself haven't been to Tonga but I have been to Malaysia and Singapore 4 times. Which is amazing, I would like to go to Tonga and some of the other islands sometime. Have you been to Tonga?

    Next time just make sure you include links to where you get the photos from, just so you do not get any copyright claims.

    This is a great post, I hope to see a few replies to my comments soon,
    Keep up the great work
    Until next time,
    - Nadia :)

    1. Kamusta Nadia,

      Welcome back again to my blog. It's very nice of you commenting on my blog and keep reacting to my blog. Thank you for the positive things you said about my blog post.

      that's amazing you've went to, two countries before and went their four times. I have never heard anyone wen't to a country four times. I haven't went to Tonga before, but I would wan't to go their for the beautiful beaches.

      "Ohhhhhhh' I wasn't sure if it was copyrighted because the plane icon was from the app I used. And the picture that I got was from the explore tool in google drive.

      But anyways hope you are having a great time!

    2. Hello again Shadrach,
      You are very welcome for the comment, there are many more to come on other posts.
      Yes, I am very privillaged to be able to go to another country four times! We plan to go again. Indeed, the beaches are very beautiful in Tonga. What would you do if you went to Tonga.

      Oh alright, just make sure next time you include where you got the photo from, even if you just mention it was from an app.

      Have a great time off school
      I hope to see another reply from you
      Until next time
      - Nadia :)

    3. Hi Nadia,

      Thank you again for commenting on my blog. I am sorry for not adding the links into the photo. ' It is a very useful tip'

      That's nice of you asking me questions! If I wen't to tonga I would wear those traditional dress for boys. And buy some figurines for deceleration at our house.

      Until next time
      - Shadrach out!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Hi Shadrach,
      It's okay that you didn't include links this time, just be sure to include them next time!

      There are many amazing traditional costumes from the Pacific Islands, I find the clothes from Rarotonga particularly beautiful. The dresses usually worn by the girls are very nice and have amazing patterns. I haven't seen the clothes worn by Tongan men but I can imagine that they are very beautiful. Decorations from the PAcific are also very beautiful, I find the tapa cloths amazing. Have you ever seen a tapa cloth? They can be used for decoration.

      Great job at replying to comments Shadrach!
      Until next time
      - Nadia :)

    6. Kia ora Naida,

      Thank you again for repying, I know that this is a late comment but this is my first time commenting again because I am in high school now. 'Sorry for replying late'.

      I agree to you Nadia the clothes in Tonga for men and women are interesting and have different colourful decorations. I've seen it on google but not in real life.

      Nice to talk to you Naida, we really had a lots and long conversation about my blog. And mark my word 'Thank you for replying on my blog.

      Kind regards


T​ o support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question