
Friday, October 26, 2018

Summer Learning Practice!

Welcome back to my blog on school we have been doing Summer learning practice.I wanted to visit  Canada because it's sounds popular and I like to play with snow. That's why I picked Canada but Curios Kiwi forgot his and he is worried That he will get board on the long flight without anything to read. He asked some for help.

Image result for 1917 kiwis at war
I recommend this book book 
to read it is called 
Kiwis At War 1917
By Brain Falkner.
That why I like this book because I learned interesting words 
and give me reading flows. Also on the back of the book
It has picture of air planes.

Thank you for reading my blog post would you like to go and visit Canada?


  1. Kia ora Shadrach
    Thanks for your review on the book Kiwis at War 1917. It is always a bonus to learn new words when you are reading. Maybe you will be able to use some of these words in your own writing. I have never visited Canada however I would love to visit it someday as well. This book looks like an adventure and suspense story. I would be keen to hear more about the plot.

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for commenting my blog. I have never been to Canada before too. That book is so awesome maybe one day you can read it too. Thank you very much I appreciate it.

  2. Hi Shadrach. Canada sounds like a very interesting country, I would love to go there one day. Your book recommendation looks interesting. Can you tell me about the characters in it?

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for your feed back from my blog post. Yeah Canada is a amazing country I wish I can go there too because my uncle it there. I'am sorry I can't remember the characters.

    2. Which part of Canada does your Uncle live in Canada? I know there are lots of mountains in Canada, does he live near any mountains?

  3. Hi,
    Alice sorry for not responding for a long time but any ways thank for your feedback. I don't know were he lives but I'm pretty sure that he lives near the mountains.
    Thank you I appreciate it:)


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