
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

3 body systems

Hi guys,
Welcome back to my blog in school we have been learning three body systems. They are called endocrine system, circulatory system and skeletal system. We have to write four sentences that we learned in each body system. Here are some facts about them. The endocrine system has six organs. The circulatory system has three different types of bloods and they are called platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells. I learned that are bones are strong as thick as concrete in the skeletal system. I will show you what we have done.


  1. 1.I like to say you have a good idea to share what you learned and research about the facts of different types of blood.
    2.You must need to improve the correct grammar to make a sentence.
    3.Make more research and reading regarding your interested for reporting a body system. Very good Shad. :)

    1. Than you for commenting on my blog I really appreciate it. I will fix my mistake :).


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