
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Reading Task! Term 2, week 3

Tena koutou tena koutou katoa,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I have anotther reading task. This reading task is for term 2 week 3. 'It's very similar to the book review I did previously'.

Challenge is to: Create a blog post about a novel that you are reading at home or pick one from the slide that our teacher made. And then choose an activity from the slide. And the last part was to create a blog post and include the name and author of your choosen text, title, introduction, DLO, reflection, sources and question.

Title and Author: DRAGON KNIGHT BARBARIANS. Kyle Mewburn.

chosen activity: Think about how your story ended. What would you want to happen if there was one more chapter?
Create your own alternate ending. Write a few paragraphs to really elaborate your ideas.

Answer to the chosen activity: If there would be one more chapter I think Breena and Merek will find Breena's dad. But then they would found out that Breena's dad is trapped in a castle. With humongous tall buffed babarians. Breena and Merek would also be caught and trapped in the castle. separated from Breena's dad. And then Breena and Merek will find a way out to escape and help Breena's dad escape from the disgusting old jail.

Reflection: I like the book because of its amazing quality drawing/pictures. It has amazing vocabulary words. It's not hard to read. They explained the attitude of each character. They would be a solution to how the protagonist gets out of the situation.

What book do you recommend to read and why do you like it or not like it.

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog post. Always don't forget to leave a comment!


  1. Well done Shadrach! You completed this task very quickly! Can I suggest that you choose another story to do, and a different activity, if you finish all the other work?

    I think for us to fully understand your alternative ending we need to know a bit more about the story. Next time you could include a brief summary of the story to help us understand yur ending.

    One book I recommend at the moment is 'The Diary of Anne Frank'. It is an interesting true story of a young girl trapped in an attic during World War 2. Our lockdown is nothing compared to what she went through.

    I love the vocabulary you have used in this post! Well done!

  2. Hi Mrs Allan,

    I appreciate your comment and your feedback that you gave me to extend my work and be creative. Also thank you for your positive words you told me. And thank you for giving me my nest steps.

    I think the book you recommended me is interest because in the future I wan't to be like a military.

    Thank you for your comment!


T​ o support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question