
Monday, June 21, 2021

Hurumanu 1 (Reading)

 Hello readers, welcome back to my blog. In our Hurumanu 1 session, we are focusing on reading articles and answering questions. The journal that my group is reading is called How To Be Normal. There were a lot of interesting questions and were a lot of fun answering them. The story motivates you or other people who aren't normal when going to school or somewhere else. 

I will be sharing three pieces of my work that I think I worked on very well. And there was this cool task which was listening to questions and answering the statements if it's true or false. I got all the true and false questions right it goes like this: True, false, false, true and true. 

Here are the three pieces of work that I wanted to share:

Did I understand? 

  1. Who did Charley bang into?

           Charley banged into Micheal by whacking her hips on Micheal’s desk. 

  1. Charley’s at more relaxed.’ What is the main message/purpose of this paragraph? Charley is more relaxed when she is at the playground sitting on the bottom of the slide. And when she’s at the library drawing pictures of horses repeatedly. Also when she is the last person to sit on her desk. How does the author create this mood? The author creates her mood of how the story flows and what kind of character the person is. What does it teach us about Charley? It teaches us that charley is a shy girl and is a very fragile and anxious person. It also teaches us that she likes to be in her own place concentrating. She also gets very scared when people stare at her and she likes to draw pictures of horses to make her calm. 

  2. What impression does the author want to give of Charley? The author's impression of Charley is not normal because of how she reacts and does things unlike normal humans do. How do you know? Because on the first paragraph Charley is acting very shy and how she concentrates. 

  3. Why is Charley angry with Amy? Because when Charley was drawing a line on her maths book Amy made a choking noise. And when Amy isn’t looking anymore Charley couldn’t concentrate because she is so angry. 

  4. Do you think that she is right to be angry why/why not? I think that Charley has the right to be angry at Amy because she is annoying her and because Charley isn’t a normal person that's why she needs to concentrate. 

  5. Find a range of words and phrases to show how Charley is feeling throughout the story. Charley’s at the old playground, sitting on the bottom of the slide and concentrating. Last week, she taught herself to eat apples without chomping. Already she’s feeling more relaxed. The bell rings, but she’s feeling good. Her heart pounds. she feels them go quiet. She feels their eyes swiveling back to her.Charley’s so angry she can’t concentrate.

Exploring language!
  1. What do these words mean? Find a definition for each one and use it in a sentence. 

  • Screeches - A loud, harsh and intimidating noise. When the teacher was writing on the chalkboard, the chalk made a screeching noise. 

  • Apologies - A regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure. When I was trying to get through a cue for ice cream I crashed into someone and made their ice cream fall, then I apologized.

  • Intently - With earnest and eager attention. Her eyes were intently looking at me like it was about to kill me.

Why do you think we gave you this article to read as part of our Outstanders hurumanu? I think the reason why we read this article as part of our outstander is that it motivates us when we feel nervous about doing things. Write a paragraph explaining your ideas and giving evidence from the story. I think that the story is a very interesting and inspiring story because of how Charlie went from being not normal to being normal. The idea that relate to my understanding is when Charlie was under the playground slide and trying to concentrate in school. And the author gave a lot of emotion of how Charlie is acting which gives me a lot of ideas about how she is feeling. And when Charlie tried to draw a straight line on her book she couldn’t concentrate because of how the other student was annoying her. But when Charlie kept drawing horses and horses over and over again, she finally drew a masterpiece and made herself feel better.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post about my reading activity. Hope to see all of your comments. 


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