
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Favourite Piece From Music Through The Decades

 Welcome back bloggers, In the past few weeks, my class had been researching musicals through the decades. We started from the 1900s through the 1940s, but I am willing to share with you my favourite piece of work that I want to share. The piece of the work that I think I worked really hard is the music from the 1900s. 

In my work, I researched about what were the most popular genre during the time. And then wrote about what was the most popular band, then I talked about little information of how the band was discovered. After that, I talked about the most famous song and which made me talked about how that song was formed. 

I learnt that during the time the kind of music was very smooth and relaxing, which was the type of music/song that I want to listen to. And during that time most of the songs during the decade was not very loud and enthusiastic it was more like soft. I also learned a lot of things about how the band was formed because I don't usually listen to music like this. But I actually fall in love because the songs were so relaxing. 

Here is my favorite piece of my presentation:

I think that I did pretty well on my work but I think I can do slightly better because I should've focused more on different types of music rather than focusing on information about how the band was formed.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post and maybe learned something. Please make sure to leave a comment that is thoughtful, helpful, and kind(: 

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