
Tuesday, July 31, 2018



Hi guy's
Today I will show you what did we did in the past few week. Our focus is to add sences of places, adding more interesting words and adjective's.

In the mid afternoon when we arrive in Selwyn swimming pool my heart was pumping like excitement. I heard people laughing and screaming like crazy. It sound like lots of people crowded and going on roller coaster.

I hop in the pool then Suddenly I found a coin lying on the ground so me and my brother play hide the coin. Then we explained the rules how to play. I hid the coin right in the corner of the pool. Then he  race down with his transparent goggle and dive into the water. There was splashing everywhere. Then he started to find the coin. But I saw the new event of riding boats. So I told to my brother and go there but there was only one more boat left. So my brother went back to the water and continuing as I ride on the boat. Then a kid told to have a race. We started on the line after we get on the line the lifeguard blew its whistle then we stear fast as we can he was catching up, just a second he beat me. It was my time to hop out on the boat then I saw my brother just relaxing on the pool. My brother wanted to play tag on the pool so we did it. After playing tag I told to my brother to have a contest who can swim fast and who can hold their breath longer. But then I feel starving so I come out to the pool then I ate donut’s so then my brother followed me. It was great to go there so we drove home.

I hope you injoyed my blog post make sure to coment, thoughtful, helpful and positive.

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