
Thursday, October 25, 2018

That Old

Hey guess what guys,
Did you now that if a human is 1 years old a dog is 21 years old and if a cat is 10 human is 1 years old. Hear it's some example of it. When a dog is 50 years old the humans is 10 years old. When a cat is 55 years old the human is 10 years old. 


  1. Wow! Shadrach your example really helped me to understand how to figure out how old my dog is! Where did you find your information? Next time you could attach an audio recording so we can listen to you talk more about it. Kai Pai!

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for the feed back and helping me out. I din't found an information about that but that is for are maths they were some information in the text. Thank you very much I appreciate it.

  2. Hi Shadrach,

    What a great blog post you've done Shadrach!, I'm really Impress what you've done shadrach, I've learnt a lot of this blog post you have done, I like how you explain what you are doing, and I like how you start a Introduction, but maybe next time you should put some Conclusion at the last of your Slideshow, but you've done a great job, keep up the good work that you've done!

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for the feedback And thank you for helping me what I can do next time thank you so much I very Appreciate it.


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