
Sunday, December 22, 2019

SLJ: (Day 3 Activity 1) Superpowers!

Hello everyone, 

Welcome back for another Summer Learning Journey activity. This topic is about superpowers. 

The task for this activity is to: Imagine that you could be a superhero for a day. List three superpowers, tell us why you have choose each one and tell us what are you going to do with them. 

The superpowers that I will choose is: Invisibility, Teleportation and Element of water. 

First I would talk about Invisibility. I want invisibility superpower because I can hide from anyone that is chasing me or I could play hide and seek with my friends or family and prank them. The second superpower I would talk about is Teleportation. It's really important to me for having teleportation superpower because it's easy to travel in different places rather than flying or driving vehicle. I would use that because I would wan't to go back in the Philippines and visit my family. And taste all the delicious foods. The last one is Element of water. I would chose that because it's really useful when your exhausted and dehydrated so I don't need to buy water, go back home and when I am just lazy. I would use that so when there is a fire emergency I could just wash ti off immediately. 

My favourite superpower is teleportation. 


 Goku teleportation
Image result for goku teleportation gif

I hope you guys liked my blog post of my Summer Learning Journey. Have a wonderful day!

Question of the day: Which superpowers is your favourite from my blog post or any superpower? (You would have it forever) 

1 comment:

  1. Morning Shadrach,

    Congratulations on completing another activity! I really like how you've added images for each of your superpower choices. They definitely make your post stand out. You've chosen some awesome powers as well! I've always thought that flying would be a cool superpower but I suppose teleportation would be very similar. What other places would you travel to with your teleportation?

    Have a wonderful day, Shadrach. Keep up the great blogging! :)

    Bye for now,



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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question