
Monday, August 20, 2018

My character writing

Hello guys,
In are school are writing for this week was creating a introduction, paragraphs and conclusion. First we talk about are habitat next one is what do they look like, what do they wear, how tall they are and what weapons they have. We need to wrote down a strong sentences about conclusion for example overall my character has a powerful strength with invisibility and to ran fast.  On are intro we don't have to write plenty of detains we just need to write who they and where they belong. I will show you what iv'e done on my writing.

Intro:  Mamons belongs to a species of magical trees, mythical creatures that live on invisible floating clouds.  

My incredible habitat has a white invisible cloud floating in the sky with talking flowers, trees that blew leaves around the sky, flying animals with wings and a blowing fire dragon. And also floating horizontal road line that is color blue.  

My character  has a nose that look likes a tiger, three Big eyes like a binocular, two long ears so he knows what are they hearing and what is going on, red lip, tiny sharp gold teeth so they can eat stuff when its uncook, curve eyebrow and short hair. He wears a white silver t-shirt  with armour inside it and helmet with horn and silver pants with armour also. He has green skin colour with blue veins and orange stripe like a zebra on the arm.

My character is six foot tall with big body and  full of enormous muscle. It’s abilities is to run fast and turn to invisible so they can’t see my character. My character weapons are a spear that is pointy on the front and a unbreakable shield that comes back to you when to throw it like a boomerang.

Overall my character has a powerful strength with invisibility and to ran fast. Would you like to meet my character one day?

Please make sure to write a comment that is thoughtful, helpful and positive :).


  1. Hey Shadrach,
    Its Eunize from Wigram Primary School
    I like the way you put n some good adjective and verbs.
    It reminded me and my friends making our own one.
    Next time you could read it first and edit it first before you post it to your blog cause there’s some sentences that doesn’t make sense.
    I wonder why you made your character like this.

  2. Hi Eunize thank you for commenting on my blog I really appreciate it. Also thank you for the points that you gave me.


T​ o support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared. 2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say​
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question