
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Paragraph writing

Welcome back guys,
On are school we had been talking about paragraphs in our writing. When you have paragraphs it is much easier to read but when you don't it will make it harder to read. So we choose a topic sentences and write about it. We have to explain details about are writing and making a example or an information about that writing. We have to make are writing more stronger so it make senses. Here is the work that I made. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A very unusual face suddenly appeared in the window. He face look like scary. its doesn’t have eyes mouth nose and ears its face was just blank with white. When I turn around and look at the window he gets closer and closer to the window. When He gets closer my hands started to shake and my eyes began to have tears. When I looked at the window again he vanished then when I turned around it was behind me. Suddenly I get a small mirror and placed it to his face then crack the mirror.

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