
Thursday, August 9, 2018

My Hotspot doc

Hi today,
In the last few weeks we did some writing in our hot spot doc in our school. So here i'm going to show you what I have been writing in my Hotspot doc. 

The rain slap the window with sharp splattering sound. Spat , spat spat on the slimy skinny stinky glass. Spat, spat, spat against the gigantic window. Spat, spat, spat the lonely manor tucked into the wooded hillside.
My breath made a Massive puffs with white vapour in the dim attic. The vapour puffs curled like dancing genies in the dim light from the rain streaked window. I shivered and tucked my knees against my chest, then curled into a clumsy ball on the rickety makeshifter bed-the sole piece of furniture in that dreadful attic.
I was starving.

Thank you guy's for reading my blog post and make sure not to hesitate a comment.

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