
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Speaking my Truth (Drama)

Hello bloggers,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will tell you what we did in our drama subject for year 7 and 8 class. We call it speaking my truth.

First, we played copy the circle, we did this to act out and express the actions. Basically, the game works by picking a leader for doing the actions and choose a person who will guess who the leader is. The second game we played is 7 up, it's about to express our actions and be confident doing it. It's an easy game to play it's just when you say the number seven you are out. The third game that I enjoyed was the statue, this game is about action and stillness. It's a fun game to play you just need to pick a stance to freeze for a long time and you need a person who will be it and if they see you move you're out. The last one is tequila, It's about listening and actions. The game works when someone says Tequila you have to move any direction you want. 

Question of the day:
What do you think the best game to play and why?

Hope you enjoyed my blog post and be sure to comment also "have a good day". 

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