
Friday, July 31, 2020

Wananga| Deep Compliments

Hello readers, 

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will share to you about what we have been doing in Wananga. 

So we were focusing on giving people deep compliments, not surface compliments. A deep compliment is about their personality and a surface compliment is their appearance. 

So our task was to decorate our piece of paper and do whatever we want. We needed to write deep compliments to each student that makes them feel loved. And they had to write deep compliments on our work. When I was reading the compliments that each student wrote on my work it made me feel astonished, loved and joyful because of how they think about me and what my personality was, It really made me feel amazed about myself. 

When I was writing my deep compliments to each student I was so excited and think about being appreciated. "It was very fun writing deep compliments to each other".

Here is my work with deep compliments:

(By the way, this is not finished yet)

Hope you enjoyed reading my blogpost, make sure to leave a comment.

Question of the day: What kind of compliments do you like sharing to people: surface or deep compliments?

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