
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My video | of my script |

 Hello bloggers, 

Welcome back to my blog. In today's blog, I will be sharing you my video of my script. So my script is about a basketball player and doesn't like hearing therapy. 

To make it easier to do my speech I highlighted the words that I need to be loud and have an expression to it. 

This task was very fun for me but challenging at the same time because I don't really like to act out and show my voice, I also don't like me hearing my voice cause I don't really like my voice. But when I completed it I felt proud of myself and being happy to commit that challenge that I don't usually do. 

Here is the link for my speech: 

Hope you enjoyed my video of my speech and love it!!!

Question the day: Do you guys like therapy do you like hearing it or reading it? 

A descriptive paragraph about my monologue!!!

In our drama session, we have been working on our monologue to represent and make a video or act it out. So now our task was to make a descriptive paragraph about our monologue. 

Here is my descriptive paragraph about my monologue:
I am a basketball player and my name is Shaquille Curry people kept saying that I need therapy about basketball but I don't need it and want it. I act very tall and tough and having a serious face. I am very frustrated when I am really stressed. I am from NBA and a superstar. I live in L.A. My voice sounds like an old man that is very deep. My Mum and Sister said I need therapy but they don't actually get it. I complain to mean people and a person that waste my time. I am really fit and very strategic but gets angry. I march my arm as I walk but only when I'm alone. I really hate therapy and I don't like it or listen to it. 

Hope you enjoyed my descriptive paragraph about my monologue. 

Question of the day: What kind of topic would you pick if you make a monologue. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

The Diary of Anne Frank

In our Homeroom class, we have been reading a book called Anne Frank, she is 13 years old and a Jewish girl that lived in the war. The war started in 1939 and ended in 1945. Anne Frank is Jewish and Hitler doesn't like Jewish people because he imagined something in his head what he wanted to kill and he wanted to take over Europe. And Anne Frank is hiding from Hitler because Margot received a call-up from the Labour camp but their parents realise that it was doing work, that's why they went into hiding in a secret Annex. But there are two families living in the secrete Annex so it's a bit crowded and there had been bad relationships. Anne and Mrs Van Daan had a bad relationship because of how Mrs Van Daan acts with Anne. And Anne has a bad relationship with her Mum because Anne didn't like to share her prayers with her Mum. Anne Frank was scared of the Aircraft and the gunshot going on at night in her Dad's bedroom. But in their hiding, they didn't have a lot of food to eat. And Anne Frank's family is pretty poor. There were so many problems going on in Anne Franks diary. 

What I learned:

  • I learned that Hitler hated the Jewish people and how he wants to take over the world. 
  • Jewish people don't celebrate Christmas instead they celebrate Hanukkah. 
  • How in the olden days they get a booklet that tells them how much they can only buy. 
  • How awful the war was and how awful was Hitler to the Jewish.
  • How awful the Jewish lived and what difficult things they need to do.
  • Hitler was imagining to kill people that have blond hair and blue eyes. 
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank – review ...

Question of the day: What would you do if you were Jewish and got called up to a labour camp?

Salamat (Thank you) for reading my blog post I hope you learned something new!!! DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Hurumanu 2 | Speech |

Kamusta bloggers, 

In our Hurumanu 2 class, we have been making our own speeches and this class is for drama and reading. So our task was to research anything we want and make a speech about it. In our speech, we needed to introduce ourselves, what we are talking about, a conclusion and a rhetorical question. We needed to video ourselves with our speech and it needed to be at least one minutes and thirty minutes long. 

My speech is about the history of the Bible because I loved God and I want to know how the Bible exists and who made it. 

I really enjoyed this task because it was really fun to research and I learnt a whole lot of things about the Bible. 

Here is my video/speech:

Hi, my name is Shadrach and I'm going to tell you the history of the Bible. I chose this topic because I love God and I really want to know the history of the Bible. 

So  I will talk about what is a Bible, who created the Bible when it was created, how the Bible came to life and where it is now and the New Testament and the Old Testament. 

First, let's talk about What is a Bible? A Bible is the words of God and it serves us,  guides to ourselves and to peoples. It includes the Christian scriptures old testament and the new testament. The Bible tells us the history of the Earth to spread Christianity. The Bible was about letting people around the world learn about the words of God. Bible was the holy scriptures of the Christianity religion to intend and tell the history of the Earth from it’s earliest creations. 

Second, let’s talk about Who created the Bible and when was it created? The first five books were Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. And it was written by Moses in the 1,300 (Before Christianity). The bible was written forty years after Jesus' death. The dedicated scriptures of the Jewish faith were written at different times in the middle of 1200 and 160 before Christianity.  The bible was about 2700 years old according to Genesis which was the first bible that was written. The bible was first written in the early centuries and was written down in an ancient form of Hebrew. The bible originally came from Hebrew in the 6th century which was the old testament. The bible was developed when Hezekiah and Judah were ruling a temple in the 8th centuries. 

Third, let’s talk about How did the Bible come to life and where is it now?

Archaeology and the study writers helped the historians paint a picture of how the Bible came to life. The oldest copy of the bible is in the Vatican Library and the bible looks like from the early 4th-century parchment book. 

Last, of all let's talk about the New Testament and the Old Testament

The New Testament is representing the story of Jesus' life and death in the early days of Christianity, between God and the followers of Christ. And the Old Testament includes a variety of different writings. The old testament forms the results of the Royal scribes. The Old Testament was the original section of the Bible getting the creation of the Earth through Noah and the flood and More.

So now you know the history of the Bible and know the important information about the Bible. I hope you loved my speech and the information that I told you about the Bible. Do you like the Bible? Would it be interesting? So why don’t you start reading the Bible?

Here is my video link

Hope you learned something in my speech and make sure to leave a comment!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Aggressive to Assertiveness |

Today in wananga time we have been talking about aggressiveness and assertiveness. Basically, we had to pick a partner and tell them a story of you being aggressive or someone being aggressive to you and tell them how you or them act. One of the stories that I told my partner was when I was being aggressive to my brother when my mum told one of us to do a favour. When I said that it actually made me sad because he didn't say anything and maybe next time I should've said it more politely. 

Then we discussed how we can calm our selves down from the situation. There were two things that made me act more politely on the whiteboard which was to act sarcastic/smile when they are acting aggressive or stop and think before what I say. This made me regret all the words that I said aggressively to people.  

Here are some examples:

3 Ways to Know When You Are Acting Passive Aggressive - wikiHow

Hope you learned something and don't forget to leave a comment.

Question of the day: What would you do when someone is acting aggressive to you?

Friday, August 7, 2020

Burger recipe | Cooking |

 Howdy bloggers, 

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will share you what we have been doing in our cooking lesson. So this term we have been doing the cooking as our tech, basically every Thursday to Friday we have a tech lesson. 

So our was to make a burger for each of us in our group. Step one we discuss all the ingredients that we need and get all the types of equipment that we needed. And then we mixed all our ingredients into a bowl to make the patties. After that, we leave the patties for one day and come back for it tomorrow. And the last part for that day was to tick all the ingredients for our burgers. So after we came back for the patties we press it first to get out all the moisture. After that, we put them in the oven for 25 minutes roughly. When we were waiting for that we sliced our bun in half. Then we put sauce on the bottom of the bun, not the curved side. Then the patties were cooked and we put the patties on our bun, we placed all the ingredients that we want for our burgers on our buns. Last, of all, we served it on a small plate, and it was ready to eat. 

It tasted so delicious may be better than other fast food because of the patties had different flavours on it. The texture of the patties was hard on the outside but soft when you bite into it. The Burger looked buff because of all the toppings we put on our burgers. 

here is the recipe if you want to make your own:

Burgers                                                 Serves 2

100g Mince

¼ c Breadcrumbs

2 T Tomato Sauce / BBQ Sauce / Tomato Relish

2 D beaten Egg

¼ t Salt                                         

Pinch Mixed Herbs                              


Lettuce - washed

Tomato - sliced

Pineapple rings – drained 

Pickled Gherkins  - sliced

Cheese – sliced or grated

Beetroot – sliced

2 Buns or Bread Rolls


Mix all ingredients for the patties together in a bowl.

Shape into 2 patties with wet hands.

Put onto baking paper on a small tray and flatten.

Bake on Fan Bake 180°C 10 min.

Turn over and cook for another 5 min.

Prepare fillings.

Toast or heat bun (optional).

Assemble and enjoy. 

Add ¼ t of Taco Seasoning mix to meat mixture

Use Wholemeal Breadcrumbs if available

Pattie can be cooked for 15 mins without turning if desired

Use raw Red sliced onion in burger as part of filling

Hope you all enjoy my blog post make sure to leave a comment. 

Question of the day: What is your favourite fast food? (Why)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Annotation Script | Drama |

In Drama, we have been choosing our own script to perform for the next 2 weeks. We need to be prepared for it and memories all of the scripts. My script is about basketball therapy.  We need to act out their emotions and their actions. And our one simple task was to post a blog post and add links to our script in our blog post. 
Here is the template for my script:
Wish you appreciate my blog post and make sure to leave a positive comment! 

Question of the day: How would you act when you're a basketball player?