
Monday, August 10, 2020

Aggressive to Assertiveness |

Today in wananga time we have been talking about aggressiveness and assertiveness. Basically, we had to pick a partner and tell them a story of you being aggressive or someone being aggressive to you and tell them how you or them act. One of the stories that I told my partner was when I was being aggressive to my brother when my mum told one of us to do a favour. When I said that it actually made me sad because he didn't say anything and maybe next time I should've said it more politely. 

Then we discussed how we can calm our selves down from the situation. There were two things that made me act more politely on the whiteboard which was to act sarcastic/smile when they are acting aggressive or stop and think before what I say. This made me regret all the words that I said aggressively to people.  

Here are some examples:

3 Ways to Know When You Are Acting Passive Aggressive - wikiHow

Hope you learned something and don't forget to leave a comment.

Question of the day: What would you do when someone is acting aggressive to you?

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