
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A descriptive paragraph about my monologue!!!

In our drama session, we have been working on our monologue to represent and make a video or act it out. So now our task was to make a descriptive paragraph about our monologue. 

Here is my descriptive paragraph about my monologue:
I am a basketball player and my name is Shaquille Curry people kept saying that I need therapy about basketball but I don't need it and want it. I act very tall and tough and having a serious face. I am very frustrated when I am really stressed. I am from NBA and a superstar. I live in L.A. My voice sounds like an old man that is very deep. My Mum and Sister said I need therapy but they don't actually get it. I complain to mean people and a person that waste my time. I am really fit and very strategic but gets angry. I march my arm as I walk but only when I'm alone. I really hate therapy and I don't like it or listen to it. 

Hope you enjoyed my descriptive paragraph about my monologue. 

Question of the day: What kind of topic would you pick if you make a monologue. 

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