
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My video | of my script |

 Hello bloggers, 

Welcome back to my blog. In today's blog, I will be sharing you my video of my script. So my script is about a basketball player and doesn't like hearing therapy. 

To make it easier to do my speech I highlighted the words that I need to be loud and have an expression to it. 

This task was very fun for me but challenging at the same time because I don't really like to act out and show my voice, I also don't like me hearing my voice cause I don't really like my voice. But when I completed it I felt proud of myself and being happy to commit that challenge that I don't usually do. 

Here is the link for my speech: 

Hope you enjoyed my video of my speech and love it!!!

Question the day: Do you guys like therapy do you like hearing it or reading it? 

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