
Friday, August 7, 2020

Burger recipe | Cooking |

 Howdy bloggers, 

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will share you what we have been doing in our cooking lesson. So this term we have been doing the cooking as our tech, basically every Thursday to Friday we have a tech lesson. 

So our was to make a burger for each of us in our group. Step one we discuss all the ingredients that we need and get all the types of equipment that we needed. And then we mixed all our ingredients into a bowl to make the patties. After that, we leave the patties for one day and come back for it tomorrow. And the last part for that day was to tick all the ingredients for our burgers. So after we came back for the patties we press it first to get out all the moisture. After that, we put them in the oven for 25 minutes roughly. When we were waiting for that we sliced our bun in half. Then we put sauce on the bottom of the bun, not the curved side. Then the patties were cooked and we put the patties on our bun, we placed all the ingredients that we want for our burgers on our buns. Last, of all, we served it on a small plate, and it was ready to eat. 

It tasted so delicious may be better than other fast food because of the patties had different flavours on it. The texture of the patties was hard on the outside but soft when you bite into it. The Burger looked buff because of all the toppings we put on our burgers. 

here is the recipe if you want to make your own:

Burgers                                                 Serves 2

100g Mince

¼ c Breadcrumbs

2 T Tomato Sauce / BBQ Sauce / Tomato Relish

2 D beaten Egg

¼ t Salt                                         

Pinch Mixed Herbs                              


Lettuce - washed

Tomato - sliced

Pineapple rings – drained 

Pickled Gherkins  - sliced

Cheese – sliced or grated

Beetroot – sliced

2 Buns or Bread Rolls


Mix all ingredients for the patties together in a bowl.

Shape into 2 patties with wet hands.

Put onto baking paper on a small tray and flatten.

Bake on Fan Bake 180°C 10 min.

Turn over and cook for another 5 min.

Prepare fillings.

Toast or heat bun (optional).

Assemble and enjoy. 

Add ¼ t of Taco Seasoning mix to meat mixture

Use Wholemeal Breadcrumbs if available

Pattie can be cooked for 15 mins without turning if desired

Use raw Red sliced onion in burger as part of filling

Hope you all enjoy my blog post make sure to leave a comment. 

Question of the day: What is your favourite fast food? (Why)

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