
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Villain vs Hero | & Art work |

In our Hurumanu 4 (Writing) we have been writing a story and doing some artwork. Our topic for our story is a Villain vs Hero. And for our artwork, we had to draw at least 2 pictures which were our setting and one of our characters. 

W.A.L.T: write a narrative based on heroes and villains. 

Our first step was to create our plan so we have guidance to our writing and get ideas from it. After we completed our ideas in the slides and was checked by the teacher we could start our writing. For my writing, the things that I could do better was adding the five senses and making it more a bit spooky. The things that I did good and was proud of my writing was having a lot and outstanding descriptive writing. And I'm also proud of my vocabulary so that I can make it more interesting. 

After we finished our writing we moved on to our drawing. Which was to draw at least one of the setting and the villain or the hero. I drew my villain instead of my hero because it has more detail and looks scarier. I also drew my setting which was the abandoned car park. The things that I could've done better on my settings was making the drawing look realistic and making the shade more professional. 

Here are my writing & my drawings:

It was a beautiful day and I caught something from a distance across the road. It was two buildings going parallel leading somewhere far. It’s very peaceful and silent like a library. There were plenty of people eating and enjoying their food at the restaurant, the restaurant smells mouthwatering because of all the food that they make. Then I took action and got closer but when I got closer there were dreadful illegal sprays on the walls and litter on the ground. 

Suddenly, I caught from the corner of my eye a suspicious guy who looked very frightening and was doing something mysterious. Everybody was getting distracted and made eye contact with him. He was stomping as he walked through the alleyway, not even minding, he had big bulky biceps and whenever he moved his muscles were crumbling. He’s wearing a ripped shirt that looks very old and that came from the dumpster. His teeth were sharp and looked stronger than metal, his long intimidating fingernails are ready to attack and scratch people. His caruncle eyes were vivid red and looked very exhausted, he has funny, fatty, foolish, feathered,  furrowed eyebrows.  His clothes were full of blood that is very disgusting and slimy, his tongue is lengthy and the tip of it is very pointy. He has a smirky smile that is not fascinating, his arms are full of hair and his legs and feet are massive. 

Suddenly he swerved remarkably and made people run away as fast as they can. The people were shouting and screaming crazy like they were running for their lives. The Villain was demolishing every building that gets in his way and doesn’t even mind what he is doing. He was murdering all the people that were in the alleyway; it looked like he was playing with toys. He robbed all the shops and stole all the money that was in the alleyway. Then I became irritated because he destroyed one of the famous delicious restaurants in the city. The buildings were falling apart and dancing as they were getting destroyed. There was a flooded bloodstream going down the alleyway slowly. 

After all the action happened in the alleyway, humongous groups of polices, ambulance and firetrucks were at the Alleyway. The Alleyway became abandoned and nobody could penetrate through it. It had barricades and caution signs around the destroyed buildings. The buildings looked very secure and are painted black like it’s invisible, It looked very haunted. Whenever people try to go in it they could die because of all the dead people which cause disease and viruses. They could also get trapped because when they try to escape the virus and the disease will spread from just a split second. 

After he took over the alleyway and did what he wanted he sprinted back to his base just for a split second. I followed him sneakily by tracking the blood dripping down his shirt. His base looks like an abandoned car park building. When I entered the building it felt very cold and abandoned, it remained very terrifying, strange and silent. The building had thick columns that have paint scraped on them. The old metal parts had fallen apart and were exposed to different directions. The old awful rusty handlebars are almost about to break and fall apart. There were heavy fragile concrete barriers that were made from cobblestone and the concrete were collapsing like zig-zag cracks. There was plenty of dust everywhere on the surface and on the air floating. There were big puddles on the ground because of the water dripping down from the pipes.

After I described what his base looked like in my head I began to take action. I was walking around his base then I unexpectedly saw him. He is sitting down at the corner of the building and looking at the amounts of money that he robbed. Then I quickly decided to dash towards the villain like the speed of a train travelling. But before I got to him he knew that I was in the building so the villain got a hostage to protect himself. I tried to attack him but I decided that I am kind so I tried to trick the Villain to get the hostile out of danger, but it didn’t work. So I had another trick in my mind which was to communicate with the Villain politely. Freakingly it worked so he pushed the hostage to me almost falling but luckily I caught the villain and told him “Run away from this place as fast as you can”. 

I grabbed a piece of a long old rusty metal bar and teleported towards him. I hit him with the metal bar on the back of his head and tried to kill him. But it didn’t even penetrate through him. It felt like a tickle to the villain. I threw a kick on his face like the weight of the train ‘that one hurt him but still not dead’. I did a massive impact on his stomach with my fist and was still not dead. So I decided to use one of my powers which were punching him on the stomach rapidly just like a punching bag. His stomach was bouncing and giggling around as I punched him rapidly with my fast furious fists, seconds later he fell on the ground and gave up. 

I tried to help him but he was mumbling to me, I couldn’t understand him so I ignored it and helped him to get up. He bends on his knees and begs for forgiveness. The Villain said all the things that he did wrong and finally knew what he did wrong. The villain kept begging and trying to convince forgiveness. Shockingly the villain said to kill him but I was kind enough and said “NO”.   He repeated that for three times but I still declined it. So I commanded him to stand up and we can be friends together. So the villain stood up and said ‘okay’. He keeps saying “thank you” to me a lot of times. Then we both said, “LET US BE FRIENDs FOREVER AND SAVE THE WORLD”.

Hope you enjoyed my writing and my drawing please do not hesitate to comment.

Question of the day: Do you like drawing a villain or a hero?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello! your writing is outstanding!. And really cool story i like how you write. Galingan mo pa!


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