
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Needs VS Want

In our healthy lifestyle session, we have been learning about the best decision/choice to make. So we have been comparing against need and want. The difference between the two of them is need is really important but want is the things that are not important but like. So we made a presentation to give the examples of need vs want also we had to write the definition of both of them. We had different websites to present our work so that is creative. 

It was really fun to do this task in our healthy lifestyle session because sometimes this work can give tips to our lives. I am very proud of myself because I completed my work and the definition of both of them. But the really hard part was when I think of ideas the differences of one another, especially the things you need.

Here is my completed work:

Question of the day: Why are need and want different?

Hope you enjoyed my blog and don't hesitate to comment. 

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