
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Navigation in space | Challenge

 Welcome back bloggers, In today's blog post I will be sharing you the finished work that I have been working on in Science. It has been fun in the science room during this term, we had been doing fun stuff and learning a lot. 

So our topic is about navigation in space. Our challenge is to answer all the following question that our Science teacher put for us to answer. So we had to research deeply and in a detailed way so that we know the answer to each question. We had five questions to answer and a bonus one about the Black Hole. And we can answer the questions in a slide or straight in the blog post. I prefer to answer the questions in a slide so I can add some details to it. It was so fun to answer all the questions and complete the challenge. I felt really proud of myself because I answered all the questions and presented it on the slide, and published it on my blog. 

Hope you enjoy my presentation, so here it is the link to my slideshow:

Navigation in space

Question of the day: What is in the middle of the eighth planet in our solar system? 

Hope you enjoyed my blog post and make sure to leave a comment!

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