
Friday, October 30, 2020

How To Navigate Using The Stars!

In our science class, we have been working on explanation writing and have been working on not to plagiarise (Not copy and pasting). So our topic was to explain how Stars can be used to navigate. 

So our challenge is to explain how the first Seafarers navigate the ocean using the Stars, and how navigators navigate using the Stars. We really had to be careful not to plagiarise when reading an article, because it can cause us in big, big trouble, like going to jail or the court. We also had been practising this because when we go to University we are not allowed to copy an article. Our challenge was to add a lot of paragraphs to our explanation writing and explain how navigators navigate using the Stars. And we had to put the conclusion at the end and a summary. And we need to remember to add a title and a rhetorical question.

It was very fun and challenge to write our explanation writing because we had to put sentences to our own words. I really like this session because I learned something new too. But I felt really proud because I completed my work and put sentences in my own words. 

Here is my work:

How to locate the ocean using the Stars. 

How did the Navigators navigate the oceans by using the stars?

I'm going to tell you how navigators navigate the ocean using the Stars. And I will explain how Stars can be used to navigate Space. The purpose of this explanation is to tell you how navigators used their own knowledge to navigate the ocean using the Stars. Also how important and special the Stars are to navigate different things. 

So first let  me explain to you the constellation, there are 6 different constellations and they are Ursa Major, Ursa Minor. Cassiopeia, Orion, Crux and Centaurus. The constellations have descriptions and are different, therefore it has different hemispheres and they are the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere. The Ursa Major is described as a big dipper it is commonly found in the northern hemisphere, Ursa Minor describes as little dipper and it’s in the Northern hemisphere, Orion can be found in the Northern Hemisphere and it is describe as a Hunter, Crux describes as a Cross and it’s easily found in the southern hemisphere and the Centaurus can be located in the Southern Hemisphere which describes as a Centaur. 

Now let me inform you how the navigators find their way to navigate the ocean using the Stars. So the navigators directed their canoes to the sparkly beautiful star on the horizon and used a star compass. Then when the star increased up to the sky, that’s when the navigators chose a different star. And then they do those steps continuously as the night goes on. Navigators navigate the stars throughout the night and stop until they navigate twelve Stars. There were things that also helped them to navigate the ocean and it was the Moon, Jupiter and Venus. And then the navigators wrote the spot of where the Canoe is between the sun. And the navigators glanced and focused on the sun to its destination in the evening. 

Now let me teach you how the Stars can be used to navigate. But first I will teach you how you can navigate using the Stars in the northern hemisphere. To start with you have to find the North Star/Polaris. It’s a special and an important Star because it’s the only Star that doesn’t even move, while the rest of the Stars move around it. To find the North Star you have to find the Ursa Minor or the Little dipper. The North Star/Polaris is placed on the tip of the handle of the Ursa Minor. But if it’s too difficult for you to find Ursa Minor you could look for the Ursa Major which is called the Big dipper. If you found the Big dipper you could use its two Stars at the end, they are called the Dubhe and Merak. And then direct it to the North Star/Polaris. If there are objects interfering with the North Star and the little dipper you could always remember that the distance between Dubhe and Merak is 5 lengths long to the North Star. 

Now let me tell you how you can navigate using the Stars in the Southern hemisphere. First of all the Southern hemisphere doesn’t have the North Star which you have to find the Southern Cross/Crux. If you're having difficulty to find the Crux then you should find the two bright stars beside the Crux, they are the pointer Stars. The pointer Stars will help you alot and should lead straight to the Crux. After you’ve done those steps you could now draw a straight line where the tip of the Crux is pointing. And between the pointer Stars you should measure the line properly, going down in the same direction as the Crux. And then use the two lines straight down to the horizon, and now it should be pointing at the South. 

I hope you learned something new and got information about navigating using the Stars. Hopefully by now you should be able to have the information of how the first seafarers navigate the ocean using their vision and the Stars. And if you want to navigate the northern hemisphere the key is to find the North Star/Polaris. But if you live in the Southern Hemisphere you need to locate the Crux to navigate the Southern hemisphere. 

Questiong of the day: What was your favourite part about my explanation writing? 

Hope you enjoy it and learned something new, down forget to leave a comment. 

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