
Friday, November 6, 2020

Science | Gravity

In our Science session, we have been focusing on gravity and how it affects the different planets. 

So our tasks were to answer the following questions about gravity. We had to research in-depth to get the answers. It was a challenge because we had to be specific about what we are researching.  But it was interesting about researching gravity and how it affects life and other planets. Because I always imagined that one day I will fly to space and experience gravity. The fun part was when we had to compare our weights on different planets. 

I really like learning about gravity and researching it was fun to do to this task because I always learn something new. 

Here is my gravity work: 
  1. Is gravity the same on all planets? No, because every planet has different sizes and amounts of gravity. It’s because the planets are of different sizes from one another and have a different mass. 

  2. How is gravity related to mass? The reason why gravity is related to mass it’s because of the distance of a planet one to another. When the planet is closer to each other the gravity pulls down stronger.  Therefore if the mass has more objects it means it has more gravity. And the mass gives pieces called gravitons and they are the ones who prevent gravity. So when there is more mass the more gravitons it has. 

  3. Calculate the weight of a 30kg labrador retriever on other planets in our solar system? If you weigh 30kg on Earth you will weigh 11kg in Mercury, 27kg in Venus, 11kg in Mars, 70kg in Jupiter, 31kg in Saturn, 26kg in Uranus, and 33kg in Neptune. Jupiter has the highest gravity and Mercury and Mars have the lower gravity.  It’s very interesting to see every planet has different weights of the 30kg Retriever. 

  4. How will your life be different from living on a planet with higher gravity? Lower gravity? If the gravity is higher than before human blood will be stretching to our legs, every bone will collapse and get pulled to the ground and get stuck. If the gravity was lower the atmosphere would feel lighter. It will reduce the gravity and make it difficult for humans to breathe the exact amount of oxygen. And Earth would collapse apart and explode into pieces and float around space if the gravity is lower. The reason why gravity is necessary to planets and the Earth is that it holds the planet together. 

How does gravity affect the solar system? | SocraticHow strong is gravity on other planets?

The site that I used to calculate the 30kg Labrador Retriever was pretty handy because it's very fun to use. Here is the website that I used: Weight on other planets.

Question of the day: Which planet would you like to visit and live in? Why? Why not? 

I hope you learned something new and enjoyed my blog post make sure to leave a comment. 

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