
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Anne Frank | House tour

Welcome back to my blog. This is a blog post that I forgot to published last year! 'But here it is'. 

In today's blog post, I will be showing you a link of Anne Frank's house and you can have a tour, but before I show you I will summarise the story a little bit and tell you what I learned. 

So the main reason why Anne Frank and her family is in hiding in the annexe because Margot (Anne sister) got called up by labour camp, which her family didn't believe that it was about work so they decided to go to hiding in the annexe. There were also problems that Anne face when in hiding and in war, like Anne Frank can't sleep every night because of all the aircraft and the gunshots going on every night. There were also people having arguments with each other and small things like tables. She was also living with the same person every second which gets her annoyed. She also was having some troubles because she couldn't go outside and can't see the sun because if she is willing to go outside they might get caught by the German soldiers, and they also block their windows with black curtains. There were a lot of problems that Anne was facing in the annexe. 

Anne Frank and her family were hiding for almost two years and one month which is seven hundred and sixty-one days. Imagine that, compare that to your lockdown and think about how much freedom you had. And the lockdown wasn't really long for us, but imagine you had a lockdown for two years, can't go outside, can't see the light and living with the same person every day.

Do you think you enjoyed the book? I, of course, did enjoy the book because of its non-fiction story and I like non-fiction books rather than fiction books. Another reason why I like the book is because of how Anne told how she feels in the place during world war 2 and explained all the problems she went through with her family. The book is so interesting and detailed because I can imagine what's happening during the situation that Anne and her family faced. 

what I learned:

I learned plenty of stuff in the Jewish religion such as celebrating Hanukkah instead of Christmas, which is celebrated with nine candles. In world war 2 they had ration books which have all the food they need to purchase and how much quantities they have to buy. Hitler doesn't like people with blond hair and blue eyes which means he wants to eliminate Jewish people because they have blue eyes and blond hair. I learned a lot of things about the concentration camp and the point of the concentration camp is to murder all the Jewish people. And Jewish also had Saint Nicholas day which they think of as Santa, because he gave money to the poor, and sacrifice his life. He also helped children by giving them presents. 

Anne Frank house tour: 

Anne Secret Annex

Hope you guys did enjoy and maybe learned something new!!!

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