
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hur 1 Earthquake Heroes!

Hi readers. In our Hurumanu one subject, we have been researching and reading articles about the Earthquake in Christchurch. The massive earthquake in Christchurch was in 2011which destroyed a huge amount of damage to the Cathedral building and some other buildings near it. It happened on February 22 at 12:51 pm, it happened to be a 6.3 magnitude earthquake which is super strong and brutal. There were over one hundred and seventy thousands buildings that got destroyed and demolished by the 6.3 magnitude earthquake. And lots of fire-fighters, police officers, St Johns and S.A.V which stand for Student Valuntered Army. And also there were ordinary people who helped people out of their buildings who are very thoughtful and committed. Thanks to them which some of them received a bravery award for doing the job successfully. 

we had some few interesting questions to research which made it really enjoyable because I was learning something new. And I placed my work to a google drawing which made it more attractive and much more creative. Then I added some pictures, changed the backgrounds and made the fonts different so that the page won't look blank. 

Here is my DLO:

Thank you guys so much for reading my blog post and I hope I didn't waste any of your time:)
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