
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hands on Fire

Welcome back, bloggers. In our Science class, we have been doing an experiment called hands-on fire which literally means chemicals, oxygen and gas on our hands, that burns if you touch it, or even if you get close to it, it is very hot. But we didn't burn our hands, we had this substance with bubbles that protected us from the fire. And as well we had to finish it off by writing the four senses. 

What I felt? 
I felt super ponderous and my heart pounding quickly as one mile per minute. And it was really hot that it was kinda burning my hands into little pieces of ashes. 

What I saw?
I saw the awesome vivid fires swelling my hands up to my elbow like I was fireproof. The blazing wall fire of wall raised up really high almost the top of the ceiling. And after a few seconds, I saw the fire disappeared on my hand like thin air. 

I heard? 
The hot blazing fire made a fwooooosh noise when my hands were getting light up with a lighter. The bubbles were sizzling like food getting cook in a pot as I scoop it out from the container.
What it smelled like? 
The bubble of gas smelled like gasoline from the petrol stations, like it was actually making you suffer and poisoned. 

I hope you guys had an amazing experience reading my blog post and learned something new.

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