
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Facts about Canada

Hi guys,
Welcome back to my blog today I will tell to you facts about Canada.
  • The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.
  • The national sport of Canada is ice hokey, lacrosse, American football, soccer and basketball.
  • Canada has two official language English and France.
  • The Canada is the second largest country in the world.
  • There are 36.95 million people in Canada.
  • Canada is connected to Alaska.
  • The Prime minister of the Canada is Justin Trudeau.
  • In Canada there is 10 provinces and and three territories.
  • Main city's in Canada is Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary and Halifax.
  • The farther you go to North in Canada the colder it gets.
  • In Canada in Summer it is gonna be June, July and August but in winter it is November, December, January, February and March.
  • Canada has 10 public holidays it is called the Canada day it happens in July fist year.
  • The Canada Dollar is [CAD] $$.
  • There are 7.7 millions buildings are built in Canada.

Image result for map of canada
Tell me in the comments down bellow if I mist a fact about Canada.


  1. Hi Shadrach,
    What a gorgeous photo, it really caught my eye. Well done for investigating all of your Canada facts, they are really informative. What websites did you use? What would look really awesome if you put your information in a google slide. What was your favourite fact?

    1. Hello,
      Thank you for your feedback I didn't use a website I just use my knowledge to search it from google. And tank you for helping me what I can do maybe next time I appreciate it. My favourite fact is what was the middle city of Canada. Thank very much I appreciate it. Can you please tell me what is your favourite fact about the Canada.


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