
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis (Science)


I want to find out what happens to Gummy Bears when we put them into different solutions.


I predict that the gummy bear will dissolve or turn into jelly and its colour will evaporate. 



  • 4x Gummy Bears of the same colour
  • 2x Petri dishes
  • Paper towels 
  • Marker pen 
  • 3x solutions (Water, Sugar water, Salt water)
  • Electronic balances/scale
  • Beaker
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Safety glasses
  1. Gather your equipment.
  2. Put on your safety glasses.
  3. Using the marker pen, write the name of the condition on the petri dish. DRY, WATER, SALT WATER, SUGAR WATER. 
  4. Weigh the Gummy Bear and write the weight on the petri dish. 
  5. Measure 40 mL of the solution and pour it into the petri dish. 

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