
Monday, February 24, 2020

How to create a bar graph, pie chart and sum.

Hello guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will be showing you how to create a  bar graph, pie chart and the sum of your data step by step.

The instruction was to create the step by step instruction in a google doc. We also had to insert the picture as it shown, so they understand and not struggle.

Last step is to post it on our blogs.

We do this to help people and know how to create and learn new things.

I gave myself an 4/5 on my effort and I give my self a 4/5 on my presentation.

Here is my presentation:
Step by step how to
create a bar graph!

  1. Go to google drive and select spreadsheet. 

  1. Make sure it’s in the right folder, click on the symbol
and Select where you're going to put it in then press

  1. Add all your data to the spread sheet. (You can also
change the background or the font.

  1. Select all the boxes that have numbers and words on

  1. Press on the symbol it will automatically create a
bar graph but stacking up. (You don’t want the right
you want them side by side). Click on the column chart
and pick this one.

  1. You can add details by changing the background or
fonts again.
Step by step how to
create a pie chart!!!
  1. Highlight all your data.

  1. Press on this symbol and select pie chart.
  2. It should turn out like this.

Step by step how
to create the sum
for your data. 
  1. Select only the numbers of your data. (Make sure when
there is nothing to compare with your numbers make sure to
add zero).

  1. Find this icon and choose sum . Make sure
it looks like this and have the sum of your numbers

Free feel to add feedback on my blog post. Please don't be hesitate. 

Question of the day:  What would you choose if your create any graph for your data?

Mindfulness, Mindfulness, Mindfulness!

Talofa lava bloggers,

Welcome back to my blog. In today blog post I am going to share why we do mindfulness what and how. 

What is mindfulness? Doing something that will calm you down from something excited. And focus on one thing that will make you calm. It's also getting you thinking deeply into your brain, 

Why do we do Mindfulness? Is because to get us focus in learning and getting  ready. It's also about being calm when something goes excited and will make you enthusiastic. Mindfulness is also being at your own place and being silent 

How do we do mindfulness? We have ten minutes of mindfulness then we choose what we like from the option: Learn something new, mindful colouring, silent reading, listening to musics, connect with someone, list five things that I am grateful for and explain why, creative writing, give 5 meaningful compliments, rest, notice what's going around you using your five sense. If you done something that you've done before approximately one week then we have to change our activity.

Image result for mindfulness cartoon

Please read important message: Please don't forget to leave a comment on my blog and free feel to tell me anything/ask.

Question of the day: What kinds of ideas should we add to our mindfulness. 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Inferencing the picture!

Ne hao bloggers,

Welcome back to your favourite blogger. Today's blog is about drama and in our school we call it speaking my truth. 

So in drama we have been practising inferencing a picture. Our instruction was to get a photo and copy and paste the question below in our google doc, we had to answer all the question with the picture. Our challenge was to add more details to our answer. 

I really had some difficult question and I was struggling to answer it. I had nine question to answer. You really had to think deeply into your mind about the picture. 

Here is my work:

Inferencing the picture!
What can you see? 

I can see a bunch of fluffy soft white clouds below the woman. I see two big and small planets apart from each other. Three shooting stars going in different directions with white glowing colours. And a familiar woman flying. 

         Who is the woman?

She’s a famous girl. She is very talented and likes singing and dancing.She has a beautiful face and is very kind to people. Also she is very rich. 

Why is she holding an umbrella and a bag?

She’s holding an umbrella and a bag to glide around the sky. She might be holding an umbrella because if she goes down the landing would be perfect.

Where did she come from?

The woman came from the supermarket because she was picking food for lunch and was very hungry.She lives from the Netherlands where lots of people are very brave but it's very crowded.  

Where is she going?

Her direction is going to different planets. And seeing the most shiny sharp colours ever existed. 

How can she survive here?

She brought lots of undying potions in her bag to survive. 

What might she be thinking at this moment?

She might be laying on her bed and imagining seeing what’s going on right now. She might be thinking all of the colours never existed because it’s outstanding. 

If you could ask her a question, what would you ask?

I would ask her how she actually went up the skies? And what did she see on the planets? 
How would she describe the colours that she saw? 

Imagine you could go ‘above the sky’. How would you describe what you could see to someone who wasn’t with you? 

I would tell them the colours that I saw. Tell them how big the planet is in real life. What the clouds feel like. How the thing
move around me. 

Please don't forget to leave a comment so you can tell me my mistakes.

Question of the day: What would you do if your in this situation?

Monday, February 17, 2020

My year 7 goal setting!((:

Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa,

Here again with another blog post this time it's not about maths it's about my goal settings for this year. 

Our first task was to write our goal on to a sheet of paper that our teacher gave to us. We haad lots of question and interesting. And then after e finish writing it on our paper we transferred it to a google doc. After we transferred it in our google docs then post it in our blog. But I will only share five of my goal settings. And I will explain each one of them. 

  1. Academic goals:
To learn algebra and learn more English.
I wan't to achieve this goal so I can solve anything in maths and to speak more words in English not repeating each word.
      2. Non academic goals:

Improve at basketball and to be taller. 
Basketball is my favourite sports but I wan't to improve more on my shooting and I really wan't to be more taller so it's good for basketball and it's also good for my family when they can't reach something from the cupboard I can. 
     3. What are my learning strengths: 

Thinking critically, share my ideas and points of view with different people. 

Understand other people's
opinions and ideas. 
I picked these strengths  because I know I can do them and so for my learning and people. 

     4. What are my learning works on:

Knows what my next steps are. 
And reflecting on my learning. 
I give lots of work and thinking in my works on because I need them to improve so for my future job. 

    5.What will my next steps be: 

By keeping reading books and always having an idea. 
I need to keep reading books so I can reflect on it and always having an Idea for something. 

Please leave a comment and give me my next steps.

Question of the day: What do you think your goal for 2020?

100 metres walking!

Kia ora bloggers,

I know I have been posting a lot of maths blog post, but seriously I have to because my learning. This time it's walking. We didn't compare anything to it but we explained the differences.

First we had to wrote our data on our maths book. We had to walk to a 100 metre distances. On our maths book we wrote our names how much steps we took and the time. Joseph had 128 steps and 1:08 seconds, Karsten had 112 steps his time was 55 seconds, My self got 127 steps and my time was 1:07 seconds, M.J. steps were 129 and arrived at 1:18 seconds and last of all Tutoe steps are 130 and he took 1:20 minutes. We had to write who got the fastest, slowest, most steps and least steps. Also why my group thinks these differences occurred.

Kasten got the fastest time, Tutoe had the slowest time, Tutoe got the most steps and Karsten had the least steps. And our explanation was, when you give more energy while walking you will be faster. If you take small steps the time get faster.

Last of all we gathered our data and put it to a bar graph. I skipped by 5's and I got really tempted and stress while doing my bar graph because I was confused.

Here is my work:

Hope you guys enjoy my blog post like always. Make sure to leave a comment.

Question of the day: What would you guys compare a bar graph about steps?

Measurements about shot put (Maths)

Kamusta readers,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I have another excited blog post I will show you guys. It's another maths measurement blog post but it's shot put.

First we had to measure how far we threw on a data. And then our next steps was make a bar graph out of it. We needed to make two bar graph about shot put on knees and on one knee up. Joseph had 7.5 distance threw on both knees, Karsten had same as Joseph, Me, M.J. and Tutoe had the same distance and it was 6.5 metres. We got worster when we threw the shot put on one knee up. Joseph threw the shot put 7.5 metres while on one knee up Karsten did the same things as Joseph, Myself had 5.5 metres distances up on knees, M.J. had 4.5 metres threw but sadly Tutoe ran out of time. I had to explain my reason which one is different. My reason was: I think you have more power on both knees when your throwing a shot put. I rate myself 4 out of five on my presentation and 3/5 on my effort.

How to throw a shot put: Bend down place the shot put on your neck and push it as hard as you can. 

Here is my work:

Question of the day: Have you guys threw a shot put before and tell me how far you threw it.

Please don't hesitate to comment on my blog. Also leave my next step for my work.

Sorry for having image quality because my Chromebook isn't good for camera quality.

Making discus graphs

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. So this blog post is about maths and measurement and you already know I like maths so I am posting it. We are doing this measurement topic in maths because we have athletics so we have to train. This athletics activity is about Discus.

First we had to measure how far we threw on a data. We measured how far we three on knees and standing up with a discus.  Our group did pretty good, Joseph had sixteen metres on knees and twenty two metres standing, Karsten had thirteen metres while on knees and sixteen metres standing, Myself got twelve metres on knees and twenty four while standing, M.J. had twelve metres on knees and nineteen metres standing and Tutoe threw sixteen metres while on knees and the same for standing.

Our next step was to create a bar graph for throwing discus on knees and standing. I skipped by two's for both graphs. I also added details into my graph. Last of all I explained how they are different. My explanation is: When your standing while throwing the discus you have more power because your using your legs and body. Also we had to rate our selves from out of five for presentation and effort I gave myself a three out of five in my presentation and four out of five in my effort.

Question of the day: Have you guys made a graph before?
Please leave a comment so I know my next steps.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

School Friday which means P.E.

Morena everyone,

 welcome back to my blog I know I haven't being posting a lot is because I got a new account in high school. But anyways every Friday at school we have cool amazing fun activity.

So last week on Friday we had P.E. and we got to play a cool game of softball. So our coach had to explain the rules first for the beginners. 'You know me I already know how to play softball'. After our coach explained the rules we did a fun drill. We spllited into four groups and we needed four to five in a group. The four of us in my group practiced our catches and passing wearing a baseball gloves. Then we practiced our batting skills. And most of us wear nearly hitting the ball. But then it was lunch time. 

It was time to play the game and here comes the intense part. It was my turn my heart pounding really hard like pouncing on a concrete floor. I followed the ball with my sharp eyes as I was swinging the bat. But then I got a strike and another strike but then the third hit I hit the ball really hard as I can and then it bounced of the grass which then I can run as fast as I can to the home bases. My feet were thumping softly but crunchy because of the grasses. I didn't took the risk to get the home run but I managed to get a home run because of the players in my team. Then we swapped over my team were pitching and I was the back stop I caught the ball once when my team was pitching. I hold it tight and threw it to the catcher but then the catcher caught it to late. Then we had a swap over again but this part it was bad. When I was bating when the ball suppose to go far away from me it hit me on the face. But luckily it didn't hurt but I was embarrassed. 

But then my team won by sixteen points and our opponent had fourteen points. 

Rules of the softball:

  • Each team consists of 9 players and teams can be of mixed gender
  • A game lasts for 7 innings and is split into two sections; the top and bottom of the innings.
  • Each team bats once in each innings before the sides switch.
  • The fielding team has a pitcher, catcher, a player on first base, second base, third base, three deep fielders and short stop.
  • A batter must successfully strike the ball and run around as many bases as possible. Once they get all the way around and back to home plate without being given out a run is scored.
  • The fielding team can prevent the batsmen by making them miss the ball, catching the ball, tagging one of the bases before they reach it or tagging the batsmen whilst they are running with the ball in hand.
  • Down the first and third base line is a foul area. Once the ball crosses this line before it bounces the ball is deemed ‘dead’ and play restarts with a new pitch.
  • A home run can be scored by hitting the ball over the outfield and into a dead ball area. The batsmen can then stroll around the bases to score along with any additional batsmen on base.
Question of the day: What was the worsting happened to you in sports. 

Please leave a comment if you enjoy my blog make sure that is positive, thoughtful and helpful.(: