I know I have been posting a lot of maths blog post, but seriously I have to because my learning. This time it's walking. We didn't compare anything to it but we explained the differences.
First we had to wrote our data on our maths book. We had to walk to a 100 metre distances. On our maths book we wrote our names how much steps we took and the time. Joseph had 128 steps and 1:08 seconds, Karsten had 112 steps his time was 55 seconds, My self got 127 steps and my time was 1:07 seconds, M.J. steps were 129 and arrived at 1:18 seconds and last of all Tutoe steps are 130 and he took 1:20 minutes. We had to write who got the fastest, slowest, most steps and least steps. Also why my group thinks these differences occurred.
Kasten got the fastest time, Tutoe had the slowest time, Tutoe got the most steps and Karsten had the least steps. And our explanation was, when you give more energy while walking you will be faster. If you take small steps the time get faster.
Last of all we gathered our data and put it to a bar graph. I skipped by 5's and I got really tempted and stress while doing my bar graph because I was confused.
Here is my work:
Hope you guys enjoy my blog post like always. Make sure to leave a comment.
Question of the day: What would you guys compare a bar graph about steps?
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