
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Inferencing the picture!

Ne hao bloggers,

Welcome back to your favourite blogger. Today's blog is about drama and in our school we call it speaking my truth. 

So in drama we have been practising inferencing a picture. Our instruction was to get a photo and copy and paste the question below in our google doc, we had to answer all the question with the picture. Our challenge was to add more details to our answer. 

I really had some difficult question and I was struggling to answer it. I had nine question to answer. You really had to think deeply into your mind about the picture. 

Here is my work:

Inferencing the picture!
What can you see? 

I can see a bunch of fluffy soft white clouds below the woman. I see two big and small planets apart from each other. Three shooting stars going in different directions with white glowing colours. And a familiar woman flying. 

         Who is the woman?

She’s a famous girl. She is very talented and likes singing and dancing.She has a beautiful face and is very kind to people. Also she is very rich. 

Why is she holding an umbrella and a bag?

She’s holding an umbrella and a bag to glide around the sky. She might be holding an umbrella because if she goes down the landing would be perfect.

Where did she come from?

The woman came from the supermarket because she was picking food for lunch and was very hungry.She lives from the Netherlands where lots of people are very brave but it's very crowded.  

Where is she going?

Her direction is going to different planets. And seeing the most shiny sharp colours ever existed. 

How can she survive here?

She brought lots of undying potions in her bag to survive. 

What might she be thinking at this moment?

She might be laying on her bed and imagining seeing what’s going on right now. She might be thinking all of the colours never existed because it’s outstanding. 

If you could ask her a question, what would you ask?

I would ask her how she actually went up the skies? And what did she see on the planets? 
How would she describe the colours that she saw? 

Imagine you could go ‘above the sky’. How would you describe what you could see to someone who wasn’t with you? 

I would tell them the colours that I saw. Tell them how big the planet is in real life. What the clouds feel like. How the thing
move around me. 

Please don't forget to leave a comment so you can tell me my mistakes.

Question of the day: What would you do if your in this situation?

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