
Monday, August 30, 2021

Hi blogger, I have one more task to share with you, but this task is all about design construction which means designing something and crafting them. 

So the task was to make a paper air plane and measure the maximum distance. I was pretty happy with my paper air plane because it got up to a whooping 11 metres, which is almost the same of a telephone pole. It was very fun to make them. 

Have you ever made a paper air plane? 

Here is a video of how to make them:

Youtube - World Record Plane.

It was also interesting on how the plane was folded because I think the crease made the plane glide really far. And it was very interest of how the plane flew, because it wen't really high and slowly glide down. 

Hope you enjoyed making the paper plane make sure to leave a comment, to make improvements on my plane. 


Kamusta viewers, 

For today's blog post I will be sharing you another activity that I've done in my Paralympics work. 

The task was to answer all the following question. The questions where very interesting because I need to research and learn about some of the Paralympics sports. And the topic that I picked was related to para sports. it took some time for me because the questions were very interesting because I've never watched Paralympics or know anything about them. 

if you were going to compete in Paralympics which sports will you compete in?

Here is my work:

Para Sports

What are the four values of the IPC? The four values of IPC are Courage, Determination, Inspiration and Equality. 

Unscramble letters to reveal para sports.

Doju - Judo

Cherrya - Archery

Growin - Rowing

Minisgwm - Swimming

Para sports - More about Paralympics

40+ Tokyo Paralympics Logo Images - Korean Hot News

List two 4-5 different para that are part of the olympics

  1. Rowing 

  2. Swimming 

  3. Archery

  4. Taekwondo

  5. Shooting

New para sports that have been added to paralympics?

The new para sports that have been added to paralympics are badminton, taekwondo and snowboarding. 

Paralympics: Wheelchair basketball could foul out of Tokyo 2020No rival for China in first day of wheelchair fencing at the Tokyo 2020  Paralympics | International Paralympic Committee

Profile two para sports and include the following: 

When was wheelchair basketball introduced?

 The Wheelchair basketball paralympics was introduced in 1946 from World War II, for the people who served but wanted to participate in playing basketball. 

When was wheelchair fencing introduced? 

And wheelchair fencing was introduced in1960  which was developed by Sir Ludwig Guttmann. 

How is wheelchair basketball played? 

The wheelchair basketball is similar to normal basketball because they include rules that are included in original basketball.  The players are able to stop and push their wheelchair twice. Two teams of five battle against each other and try to shoot the basketball in the hoop. 

How is wheelchair fencing played?

The players are seated in a wheelchair and a piece of fencing frame is fixed to the wheelchair. And the players fight only with their upper body. The players sit in a sitting position and close distance fighting which makes the sport very intense. 

Special equipment for wheelchair basketball?

The wheelchair basketball is used by a special wheelchair that makes the player have fast movement. 

Special equipment for wheelchair fencing? 

Wheelchair fencing blade includes parts like foil, epee and sabre. And the wheelchair fencing includes a fencing jacket. 

Two interesting facts about wheelchair basketball:

Wheelchair basketball has different roles which have higher or lower points. And people with different abilities are playing a different position. The total sum of players on the court needs to  be 14 or less. 

Two interesting facts about wheelchair fencing:

The way the players move and control their swords are necessary. As the players fight in close range the players can win or get a strike in just a split second. 

I learned a lot of things in my Paralympics work because I was very interested on how the game works, and how it was different to normal Olympic sport. 

Hope you also learned something and enjoyed my blog post, Have a great day.

Lockdown Week 2 Activities

 Ni hao bloggers, 

Welcome back to my blog. For today's blog post, I will be sharing with you the activities that I down for my lockdown week 2 activities. 

So the activities that I choose were to use google drawing and reproduce the flag that I want to make. And the other activity was to create a "Who Am I" for someone famous. 

These activities were really fun and enjoyable to make because I got to be creative and learn more about a famous person. 

Which flag do you think I made and who do you think I made the Who am I for?

Here is my work:

I actually loved doing both of the activities. I enjoyed doing the flag because I got to experiment with the colours and make it like a flag on a pole. I also enjoyed creating the who am I task because I got to learn more of that person's story and facts about him. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog post and learned something, make sure to not be shy to comment on my blog. Have a great day(:

Friday, August 27, 2021

Prehistoric Art

In today's blog post I will be sharing another task that I did for my art class during the lockdown.

So the task that I picked was to create prehistoric artwork. So I've searched up on the internet on how to create prehistoric art. And I've also been getting an inspirational drawing of prehistoric art on the internet. 

So I've actually created one and I am willing to share it with you, but first Imma asks you a question. What is prehistoric art? For me, prehistoric art is people from back in the olden days who drew before it was written or recorded. And what the people in the olden days see, which became our history. 

Anyways here is my picture:

I did my work by scrunching up a piece f paper and colouring it with brown and red crayons, using them by using the edge of the crayons. And I scrunched up the paper again and add another layer. After it looked good I drew some pictures of prehistoric art which I got from the internet. 

it was very fun making the artwork because I've learned that you can tear off the skin of the crayons, and use it like charcoal. I was having trouble drawing the pictures because I broke the black color of my crayons. But it turned out pretty well and I am proud of it.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post, and make sure to leave a positive, thoughtful, and helpful comment. Have an awesome day(:

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Art Class (Dream house)

 Konichiwa readers, 

Welcome back to my blog. This year I have an art class, but since it's lockdown we still can do some art activities. 

So my teacher made a slide presentation and put some activities that we can choose from and is related to art. So the one that made me very interesting and wanted to try is, dawing my dream house which could be cozy, modern, countryside, near the beach or perfectly classic. So I drew a creative and modern type of looking house, with some advanced technology. 

Here is my drawing:

My drawing turned out like a one-year-old drawing because I am a really bad artist. But I didn't give up because I know I'm a bad drawer but I still think creatively about how to turn my drawing more creative. Which I'm kind of disappointed and proud of myself at the same time.

But I hope you liked my drawing and creativity because that's actually kind of my dream house but not kind of this drawing. 

Please don't hesitate to comment. And if you are one of those good artists please give me tips on how to draw.(:

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

How To Make An Origami Flapping Bird

Kia, ora readers, 

Welcome back to my blog. And in today's blog post I will be sharing with you how to make an origami flapping bird. 

The inspiration for me to make origami birds is doing one of the lockdown tasks. And the task is to watch a youtube tutorial and teach yourself how to make origami. And take a picture of it and post an instructional video on your blog so that others can try it too.

Unfortunately, I don't have a tutorial but I have made it. But now I will show you a clip of a YouTuber making the flapping origami bird. 

Tutorial - Of the flapping bird

I was having a hard time making that video because some of the parts I have to pause because I forget what the next step is. It was very difficult to make because I used a lot of paper and failed to make them, so I had to make them a coup times. But I was very proud when I finished making it because it turned out the bird actually flaps its wings. The reason why I couldn't post it to my blog is I think it was too big of a clip that is why I could upload it. 

I hope you learned how to make origami and don't hesitate to comment or ask me any questions. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Philippines Language Week

 Welcome back bloggers, in the past few weeks it had been a rough week for our school because of the immediate lockdown. But right now we are very safe and are working from home. Since it's the Philippines national week our teacher made a task for us to do. 

Our teacher made a slide with lots of questions to answer and research about. So I made a slide presentation for my work which took me almost an hour. But I was very proud because I finished my work and made a really good slide presentation. But I think I need to work faster on my work because it's just like school but at home. 

But anyways here is my presentation:

What is your favourite Philippines dish? 

I think I've done well on my presentation, but don't hesitate to comment on the mistakes I've done and other things I need to work on to make my presentation a masterpiece. And You can comment if you have any questions but remember it has to be positive, thoughtful, and helpful. 

Thank you so much for having the time to check my blog, I hope you learned something new(:

Friday, August 13, 2021

Making Ginger beer!!!

 Welcome back bloggers, In today's blog post I will be sharing how to make ginger beer. Well technically I didn't have the chance to make them but my friend will help me and guide me through it. 


I want to find out how to make ginger beer. 


Funny ginger beer clip. 

How to make ginger beer.

How yeast ferments drinks. 


  • Saucepan
  • Mesh strainer
  • funnel
Ginger beer syrup ingredients:
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tbsp grated fresh ginger
Ginger beer ingredients:
  • 1/8 tsp active dry yeast or brewer's yeast. 
  • Add Ginger syrup (ingredients above)
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed 
  • 7 cups of filtered water. 
Clean any bottle you find. 
You have to make sure you always open the bottle every day to release the extra gas. Or the bottle might explode. 

  1. Peel a chunk of the ginger with the tip of a teaspoon, grate it using the fine side of your grater. And then place the ginger, sugar, and water in a saucepan over medium heat. Then steer the sugar until it dissolves. Turn off the heat and leave it for an hour. 
  2. Pour three or four tablespoons of your syrup over ice and add 8 ounces of seltzer water or club soda. Then bottle the rest of the syrup and store it in the refrigerator. 
  3. Pour a little bit of yeast in and followed by the syrup, lemon juice, and water. 
  4. Put the lid on the bottle and shake the concoction until the yeast dissolves. And place it on a shelf or pantry out of direct sunlight for 2-3 days. or until it fizzes. Then it's ready to drink but you must remember to restore it in the refrigerator to prevent further fermentation. 
It smelled like alcohol and a bit sour. It tasted very disgusting because it was like alcohol and ginger mixed together. But I think older people might like it. 

Thank you so much for taking the time and reading my blog post. Make sure to leave a comment(:

Friday, August 6, 2021

Blind Taste Testing


I want to find out how things taste.




  • Blindfold 
  • mystery food

  1. Get equipment every time. 
  2. Put your blindfold on. 
  3. Taste test the food.
  4.  Is it sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty?
  5. Guess what food it is. 
  6. Record your observations in a table chart.


Food 1. (Gummy)When I ate the food I tasted the flavours of the food but when I blocked my nose the taste kind of dissapearaed. 

Food 2. (Citric acid) When I tasted the food with my nose block I can taste that something was sour, but when I released my hand out of my nose it tasted so sour.

Food 3. (Baking soda) When the food stuck on my tongue and my nose was blocked it tasted nothing but when I take my hand off it tasted salty and yuck. 

Food 4. (Salt) When I block my nose I tasted nothing but when I open my nose and I tasted the food on the tip of my tongue.

Food 5. (Sugar) When I put the food in my mouth while my nose was blocked the taste didn't hurt or anything, when I take my hand off my nose it tasted so good and sweet. 

Food 6. (Shebert) When the food was in my mouth the food was fizzing and bubbling in my mouth and it tasted very disgusting. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

ART (Impasto Technique)

 Kasmusta readers. Welcome back to my blog, in my blog post I will be talking about what we have been learning in art and the different techniques. The work that I would be sharing with you, is all about the impasto painting technique. 

Answer the following questions and post these to your blog:

  1. What does the word impasto mean? Look up the word in, then type your answer here: The word impasto means how thickly you apply the paint which makes the brush or palette knife marks visible. 

  1. How can impasto brushstrokes express emotions?

How the brushstrokes express is by showing how thick the paint is and see which direction the brushstrokes are painted. 

  1. Was Van Gogh one of the first painters to use the impasto technique?

Rembrandt Frans Hals was one of the first artists who introduced the impasto painting technique. It said that his painting included a 3d effect using his impasto technique. 

Vincent Van Gogh was one of the famous artists who use the impasto painting technique in every of his painting. He says that the impasto painting technique includes an expression of emotions on the painting, that is why he loved doing the impasto painting technique. 

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Hope you learned something and enjoyed my blog post, make sure to leave a comment(: