
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Uncle Don (crayfish)

Hi viewers, 

Welcome back to my blog, In today's blog I will be sharing the species that I studied and research from Uncle Don's book. And this subject is our Hurumanu 1 session which stands for Nga Tagata (The people). And if you don't know what is Uncle Don's book you should read it because it has some cool facts about species and facts. 

The species that I researched in Uncle Don's book is all about crayfish. And the pages that we had to read about are pages 12 - 16, I think those pages were all about water species. Then we had to create a DLO/presentation about the species that we chose. 

For my research, I used canva again because is the best site where you do your presentation and make posters. And I think Canva is a better and creative way of presenting your presentation and doing your DLOs. 

I think that I did pretty well on my presentation and made it look creative. And I would use canvas more often for any of my presentations because it's very efficient. But the thing that didn't go well for me is that canva when I upload to my blog it doesn't work, so I just have to screenshot it. 

Anyways here is my presentation:

Hope you learned something cool and loved my presentation. Don't forget to leave a comment, see you next time(:

Monday, September 27, 2021


Kia Ora, bloggers, 

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post I will be sharing a reflection about drama and what I think about it. And I will be answering the three questions that are related to drama. 

I think that drama was an alright session because I enjoyed some of the games and what we did, but loved how we studied drama. But one of the things that I dislike was people were very annoying and disrespecting the teacher. But overall I like drama and I will try and be more confident. 
  1. What did you enjoyed about drama? I enjoyed playing the games that we played and studies about the different genre of drama. And I enjoyed watching the different topic of clips on drama. 
  2. What I learned? I learnt about the different topics of drama and how actually the games effects your drama skills. 
  3. What was challenging? It was challenging for me because I don't really like acting because it;'s too cringe for me whenever I do it with my friends, and a big group. 
  4. What theatre style did you learn about? The different genres I learnt about in drama are comedy, tragedy, melodrama and musical theatre. 
  5. What was your favourite drama game? My favourite drama game was wink murderer because we had to try not to show the winker who the murder is, that is why I love the game and it's related to drama. 
Here is a link to a video of theatre: 

This video genre of drama is called comedy and I like comedy with clowns because they're very funny and entertaining to watch. 

Thank you for taking the time and reading my blog post. Make sure to leave a comment(:

Friday, September 24, 2021

What Is A Base?

 A base is the opposite of an acid. Because the stronger acid turn into more colour and stronger base turns into more darker colours. They are a substance that gets together with acid. 

The different types of acids and formulae:

Nitric Acid - HN03

Sulfuric Acid - H2S04

Hydrolic Acid - HCl

A base also has OH which is Hydroxide, which reacts together. 

And when acids and a base react together they neutralise (cancel out). 

Facts about bases:

  • Any of a water based subsequent are to be called acid base or neutral. And other Oils and non liquids are not acids or bases. 
  • And when Acids and bases reacts with each other they produce salt and water, and change the temperature of the liquid to a neutral ph.  
  • If you want to experiment and exactly know how to spot the difference of an acid and base, you have to wet litmus paper. And if you put them together acid litmus paper turns into red and bases change the litmus paper into blue. 
  • Acids and bases contains electricity because they both have ions and when in water they turn into ions. 
  • Acids and bases are very important to our human body because our stomach has acids and bases. Because they have to digest our food. 
  • Acid and bases have reactions with metal because they release hydrogen gas. 
A video of acid and base:

Acid and bases reaction

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Welcome back bloggers,

In our hurumanu 3 (Te Ao Whanui) class we have been reading this article called Uncle Don knows heap of wacky stuff. And we have been studying a piece of things about wetlands. And this time we had to research something on pages 8 to 11. 

So we had to choose the topic that we're going to research and my topic is about willow trees. And I made my slide presentation on canva to be more creative.  But first, we had to read the pages 8 to 11 so we get lots of options to research from, but the thing that attracted me was the willow trees because of how it makes a big impact on our water lands. 

here is my presentation:
I think that I did pretty well and made it look creative. But I think this was very interesting and enjoyable to do because I learned some facts about willow trees. And this helps me do my presentation on a better site. Also, I think that this is a fun way of researching and presenting. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog post make sure to leave a comment(:

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Hello bloggers, 

It's been a few, welcome back to my blog. In my Hurumanu 1 (Nga Tangata) class we have been reading this wacky story all about the different animals. And the book was written by Uncle don, and it has different facts about different animals. And the cool thing about it is some of the facts are hidden and around the corner of the pages. 

So our task was to create a presentation about our animal that we chose to research. And I actually think that I did pretty well and made my slide attractive, with lots of combined colorus. And I think I added an alright amount of facts about my animal that I wanted to study. 'Ohhhhh by the way I researched about starfish'. 

So here it is:

And here is the Uncle Don Wacky stories:
(Just click the image)

Hope everyone is having an awesome day. Please make sure to leave a comment. stay safe everyone and follow the restricted rules(:

Friday, September 17, 2021

What Is An Acid?

Name of the 3 acids that you need to know for year 10: 

  1. Hydrochloric Acid
  2. Sulfuric Acid
  3. Nitric Acid
The short way of writing these formulae:
  1. HCl
  2. H2SO4
  3. HNO3
Where do you find acids? 
  • Plaque is an Acid on your teeth. 
  • Stomach Acid is Hydrochloric Acid. 
  • Battery  Acid Is Sulfuric Acid. 
  • Lemons and Oranges have Citric Acid.
  • Vinegar contains Acetic Acid. 
  • Bee-Stings have formic Acid.
  • Coca-Cola Has Carbonic Acid. (If you drink Coca-Cola it will rot your teeth)
What if you get stung by Bee?
If you get stung by a bee you can put toothpaste on it and it will cancel the sting. 

What if you get stung by a wasp?
If you get stung by a Wasp you can pee on it.

What is an Acid?
An Acid contains Hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance. 

Litmus red paper stayed into the red. 
But blue litmus paper changed into red. 

Red Cabbage Indicator (Science)


I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid. 



  • Beaker
  • Red cabbage 
  • Boiling water
  • Dropper 
  • Test tubes 
  • Different samples for testing
  1. Get your equipment all ready.
  2. Tear the cabbages into small bits, into your beaker.
  3. Add about 100ml of boiling water into the beaker. (Your boiling water needs to take out the colour of the cabbage).
  4. Then wait until the colour of the beaker turns purple. 
  5. Then you get your hydrochloric acid and hydroxide. 
  6. Then pour your hydrochloric acid and hydroxide into your test tube then add the red cabbage water. 
  7. And see what colour it turned out to be. 
Test pH levels with red cabbage - Discovery Express
It made different amazing colours because of the hydroxide and hydrochloride. And if you keep experimenting maybe you'll be able to make more different colours. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Message In A Bottle

 Xin Chao readers, 

In the past week, in our wananga class, we have been writing a story lately about a message in a bottle. We were asked to write this story by our teacher. 

The writing is about making a story from a image. I had a lot of exciting ideas which made it really fun for me and the picture really helped me. And we also had to add some interesting words. 

Here is my writing: 

I was wandering around the shining shimmering beach, with lots of seagulls flying and forming a circle.  But suddenly I hesitated because this was the beach where I had lots of memories and something special I did. So I quickly approached the rocky humongous rocks where I wrote the 15 year old me, who is 58 now. I kept looking around intensely but had another idea. I started walking to the cave of the beach which was terribly black pitch and horrifying, but luckily I had a flashlight with me. 

Something caught my eyes and it was glaring. I was so excited because it was the same bottle that I wrote from 40 years ago. I was so hype that I screamed and hurt my throat. So then I picked up the bottle but I closed my eyes becauseI knew it was my letter that I wrote. However my hands took the cap off but rather than having paper inside it was just an ordinary paper with nothing on it. 

Accordingly I gave up finding the bottle that I wanted, because I am tired. So apart from finding the bottle, I just walked to the shore of the beach to calm myself down and not stress about it. As I was walking around the shore a glass of bottle relectetion my eyes but I rather just leave it alone. But I actually thought really deeply if that was the letter inside the bottle. Since I was so tired I didn’t even try to pick it up. So I continued walking down the beach. For a few seconds later my brain was going anxious because I think that was the special bottle that I wrote 40 years ago. I changed my mind and actually grabbed the bottle. The bottle was actually floating with the letter inside. The letter inside really looks very old as compared to now. It had black marks, but I was still surprised that the letter was still there. But the bottle was still shiny and the bottle cap is mixed with black and brown colours. And the bottle is perfectly green but a little rusty on the bottom. So I took off the cap of the bottle and took out the note. The note said: “ Hello to my future self, I hope you're still alive and having a good life. And I hope you have achieved the goals in your life. And please keep the bottle and the note”. The letter was in bold and fancy letters, at the top it says the date and at the bottom right it says my name. 

I just remembered that writing that letter when I was younger was only if I was going to die or someone else who finds it will bring it to me. And I wanted to discover if the things from then change now. And I wondered if the masterpiece inside the green rusty bottle survived from the water. And I was amused that the message and the bottle still stay in the same area where I actually threw it in the ocean, but not exactly in the right stop. 

Then I decided to spirit back home as fast as I could because I was so excited. However there was a long bulky branch that came out of nowhere which made me trip dramatically and slow motion fell on the group. And the bottle shattered with sharp fragile glass that spread everywhere and managed to hit one of my forehead. 

All of the sudden, I surprisingly woke up out of my bed flat on my stomach and it was just a terrible dream. But all of a sudden I stood up and approached the bathroom and looked at myself. And my face looked horrible and my hair was a mess looking like a person who got electrified. And I got out of the bathroom and saw the green rusty bottle with a cap and the masterpiece message. I didn’t realise that I actually had one of those and actually was displaying it in my bedroom which cost me thousands of dollars. 

Thank you so much for viewing my blog, make sure to comment down below.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Making Sherbet


I want to find out how to make sherbet. 


How to make sherbet


  • Icing Sugar & Raro 
  • Cup (Or any other container)
  • Citric Acid or Tartaric Acid
  • Baking Powder
  • Popsicle stick (for steering) or any steering object
  • Teaspoon
  1. Get all of your equipment together.
  2. Add one teaspoon of sugar raro to the cup.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of acid to the cup. 
  4. A half a teaspoon of baking powder to the cup.
  5. Mix with the stick.
  6. Taste the sherbet, and adjust the flavour.
There was no reaction in the cup, but when you mix the ingredients together it changes color. 
What happens in your mouth? When I put the sherbet in my mouth it effervescence and bubbles a lot. And it's kinda sour and sweet. 

Why did it foam up in my mouth? Because of the citric acid + baking soda and Carbon dioxide gas. Citrid acid + NaCO3 > CO2.