
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Uncle Don (crayfish)

Hi viewers, 

Welcome back to my blog, In today's blog I will be sharing the species that I studied and research from Uncle Don's book. And this subject is our Hurumanu 1 session which stands for Nga Tagata (The people). And if you don't know what is Uncle Don's book you should read it because it has some cool facts about species and facts. 

The species that I researched in Uncle Don's book is all about crayfish. And the pages that we had to read about are pages 12 - 16, I think those pages were all about water species. Then we had to create a DLO/presentation about the species that we chose. 

For my research, I used canva again because is the best site where you do your presentation and make posters. And I think Canva is a better and creative way of presenting your presentation and doing your DLOs. 

I think that I did pretty well on my presentation and made it look creative. And I would use canvas more often for any of my presentations because it's very efficient. But the thing that didn't go well for me is that canva when I upload to my blog it doesn't work, so I just have to screenshot it. 

Anyways here is my presentation:

Hope you learned something cool and loved my presentation. Don't forget to leave a comment, see you next time(:

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