
Friday, September 17, 2021

What Is An Acid?

Name of the 3 acids that you need to know for year 10: 

  1. Hydrochloric Acid
  2. Sulfuric Acid
  3. Nitric Acid
The short way of writing these formulae:
  1. HCl
  2. H2SO4
  3. HNO3
Where do you find acids? 
  • Plaque is an Acid on your teeth. 
  • Stomach Acid is Hydrochloric Acid. 
  • Battery  Acid Is Sulfuric Acid. 
  • Lemons and Oranges have Citric Acid.
  • Vinegar contains Acetic Acid. 
  • Bee-Stings have formic Acid.
  • Coca-Cola Has Carbonic Acid. (If you drink Coca-Cola it will rot your teeth)
What if you get stung by Bee?
If you get stung by a bee you can put toothpaste on it and it will cancel the sting. 

What if you get stung by a wasp?
If you get stung by a Wasp you can pee on it.

What is an Acid?
An Acid contains Hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance. 

Litmus red paper stayed into the red. 
But blue litmus paper changed into red. 

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