
Thursday, September 23, 2021


Welcome back bloggers,

In our hurumanu 3 (Te Ao Whanui) class we have been reading this article called Uncle Don knows heap of wacky stuff. And we have been studying a piece of things about wetlands. And this time we had to research something on pages 8 to 11. 

So we had to choose the topic that we're going to research and my topic is about willow trees. And I made my slide presentation on canva to be more creative.  But first, we had to read the pages 8 to 11 so we get lots of options to research from, but the thing that attracted me was the willow trees because of how it makes a big impact on our water lands. 

here is my presentation:
I think that I did pretty well and made it look creative. But I think this was very interesting and enjoyable to do because I learned some facts about willow trees. And this helps me do my presentation on a better site. Also, I think that this is a fun way of researching and presenting. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog post make sure to leave a comment(:

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