
Monday, November 19, 2018

what I did in my weekend

Ola everyone,
Welcome back to my blog today I'am going to tell you what I did in my long weekend. First I played with my friend Lennox, Patrick and Patrick cousin. We were getting resources so if somebody shoot at us we can build and we get weapons. Then we get on a golf cart that is four seater  and we drove from a house and we dig under then we camp in there. After that we got a victory royale. Lenoox, got five kills, patrick got four, and his cousin got two and myself I got one kill.

One more story
Me and my family went to a Christmas party. We played some fun games that we have to dress up ass a girl with an umbrella and run around. We also went to the park and played basketball. Also we did some exchanging gifts. And we did a scavenger hunt we had to find the socks. I have lots of treats in my socks and in my exchange gift I had a quality beautiful t shirt and short.

Please comment on my blog thank you for reading my blog post.

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