
Sunday, March 31, 2019

I made a dagger with paper in the weekends.

G,day G,day awesome people,

Welcome back to my blog today I will show you something really amazing. So in my weekend in Sunday I watch a video of how to make a dagger with paper. So the first step I had to do is to get my four peace of paper a roll of tape, glue stick and a scissors. 

I fold the paper in half then try to make a triangle and always crease it properly and straight. Then cut the line. Then I fold a piece of paper then get another paper and place it on the top. And roll the paper not to thick and not to small just medium. The last part I have to do is get another piece of paper measure how long you want for the side like the flaps for it and the other one is just little bit smaller than the other one. Also put the glue to stick them together and put the tape to hold it stronger. 

Here is the picture:

Hope you enjoyed my blog post today make sure to comment down bellow.

The rugby warriors team came to visit our school!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today I will tell you what event something happened in are school.

So the rugby warriors team came to visit our school. There were only tree of them from the team, the P.E teacher and the manager of the warriors. I forgot the names of them "sorry".

Then we had a game we had two team are team was Fortnite and the other team was Warrior. So when one of the member in the warriors wave the flag they choose your team and pick one of you to awnser the question. And when it goes down you have to stop if you keep yelling what ever your teams name it won't be your team who will get picked is the other teams.

So we have to say spin to spin the wheel on the computer. And there was four categories the one says trivia and hydrated I forgot the rest of them because their were long words. There was a game called what you are. you have to guess what you are and asked question to the audience. If you answer the question wright you will get prizes. Also one of my classmate do a challenge which one was faster to eat the weetbix  and the milk or the water and take picture of the whole class with the warriors. We had fun it had Bunche of cool games.

Here is some photo:

I can't insert the video. Hope you enjoyed my blog post make sure to comment positive, helpful and thoughtful. 

Friday, March 29, 2019

Weekly words fragile!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today I will show you my weekly word. Today our weekly word was fragile. Again we present it how we like.

here it is:

Tell me in the comments down below if you heard of this word before "fragile". Always make sure to keep you smiley face. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Why is palm oil bad?

Hola everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today I will show you what I have been doing in my reading.

So in are reading we are having a conversation about why is palm oil bad. And we have to put it in a slide show. 

We have been going on multiple websites about orangutans and palm oil. We also have to think in are own opinion and are own words about palm oil and orangutans. And then as we think of one we search the fact or look on the website. 

So in my slide I picked a theme or a background and change the font also the colour of the font. 
Image result for orangutans

Image result for Palm oil
Here is the link for it. 
Why is palm oil bad?

Here are the website about orangutans and palm oil that might help from your understanding.

I am looking to forward to you everyone to comment on my blog and what you thought about my blog post.(:

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Writing, a moment in time.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today I will show you what we done in are writing. So in are writing we have to write about a moment in time. So I write about a moment in time when I ate my apple. We have to write the six sense. Which are see, hear, touch, smell, taste and emotion. 

We also have to highlight the six sense to different colour. So it is much easier to know in my writing which sense is the one. 
Here it is:
Please give me a feedback on my writing what you thought about.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Mayhem Weekly word!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today in this blog I will show you my weekly words that I present in my school. Are weekly word of the day was Mayhem. 

Are teacher said we can present it how we like and make are own background. 

Have you heared of this word before? 
And what does is means? 
Also tell me in the comments down below if you can't see the writing properly. 

Here is my weekly word:

Make sure to comment down bellow what you thought about my weekly words.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Comparing a bar graph and a pie graph.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will show you what I have done in maths. Today in maths are topic was statistic. We had to compare a bar graph and a pie graph. So we have to separate the data from an envelope and count them. Their were lollipops, yoyos, bouncy balls and  pencil. We had to label it, count it and colour different sections.

My groups were Me, Sam, Truby, Luke and Kayden. 

We also need to compare what is a bar graph and a bar graph. 

There is eight lollipop five pencil, four bouncy ball and 3 yoyo. 
Here it is