
Sunday, March 31, 2019

The rugby warriors team came to visit our school!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today I will tell you what event something happened in are school.

So the rugby warriors team came to visit our school. There were only tree of them from the team, the P.E teacher and the manager of the warriors. I forgot the names of them "sorry".

Then we had a game we had two team are team was Fortnite and the other team was Warrior. So when one of the member in the warriors wave the flag they choose your team and pick one of you to awnser the question. And when it goes down you have to stop if you keep yelling what ever your teams name it won't be your team who will get picked is the other teams.

So we have to say spin to spin the wheel on the computer. And there was four categories the one says trivia and hydrated I forgot the rest of them because their were long words. There was a game called what you are. you have to guess what you are and asked question to the audience. If you answer the question wright you will get prizes. Also one of my classmate do a challenge which one was faster to eat the weetbix  and the milk or the water and take picture of the whole class with the warriors. We had fun it had Bunche of cool games.

Here is some photo:

I can't insert the video. Hope you enjoyed my blog post make sure to comment positive, helpful and thoughtful. 


  1. Wow! Its a big opportunities to students having fun games with the Warriors player. Maybe next time you are the one who can participate personally in the fun games. I am so amaze every time you do your blog post. I want you to more exercise your spelling. So it will help you to write a correct words of your spelling. Example the word “our” you used “are”. But the sentence was great. Thats only my concerned to focus your spelling words.
    Nice to do this again Shadrach.����

    1. Hi,

      Vonn, Thank you commenting on my blog I really appreciate it and love reading your reply. Also thank you for thinking about my next step and figuring out my mistakes. Thank you for saying that I have mistakes maybe I could fix thank you Vonn. Your a helpful person. I could try it next for playing fun games. I really need to fix my spelling words.

      Thank you Vonn I appreciate your comments and feedback about my blog post. BYE:).


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