
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Weekly Words (Adversary)

Hello everyone,

I know it's been a while showing you my weekly word.Because we had a vacation for two weeks. Now I'm back at school  So this time I will show it to you

Our Weekly Word is Adversary 

Here is my Weekly Word: 
Hope you enjoyed my Weekly Word. Don't forget to leave a comment.  

Monday, April 29, 2019

Rate my Holiday!

Hi everyone,

This will be just a short blog post. 

So this blog post is about rating my holiday. 

My holiday was pretty incredible amazing fun because I went on lots of trips with my family and my grandparents. 

So I rate my holiday ten out of ten. 

I was so amazed that my grandparent come to visit us in the wright time. 

I hope you enjoyed my short blog post. Make sure don't forget to leave a comment. See yah!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

It's my mother's birthday.

Hi everyone, 

Welcome back to my blog,on the april 28 it was my mother special day and it was her birthday. 

So in her birthday I created this letter that I wrote with my hand and a pen and draw a picture. And then my grandma help to put the letter and the drawing in the envelop.

I wrote about her that she was the best Mum in the whole wild world. 

Then she thank you me, hug me and kiss me on the chick. 

After I gave her the letter we went to church to pray to god that make my mother birthday wonderful. 

And then after we go to church and pray, me and my brother got a new haircut. In Charles. Which is really far to our house because it is in the city.

After me and my brother got a new haircuts we went on this restaurant called garden. It is a restaurant that you can eat all you can. 

We waited there for 10 minutes in the car. 

The went to go inside the garden restaurant. We got six chairs and a long table. 

So in the eat all your can restaurant you can choose lots of food that is lay on the table. I got fish, and chips and chicken nibble. And then my parents and grand parents get fried rice and lots of more food. 

After we ate are dish me and my brother decided to go eat our desert and it was ice cream. And it was vanilla flavour on a plate then my brother put some sprinkles on his ice cream but me I didn't.

Make sure to comment on my blog post. "Thank you".

Swimming time with my family!

How are you everyone,

So me, my family and my grandparents went on a road trip. To Selwyn Aquatic just to go swimming and to relax my grandparents and have an experience of going swimming.

There were four different types of pool in the Selwyn Aquatic.

So there it was me and my family got changed in the changing room and sit down on the benches to put our heaving bags. My parents and my grandparent went to the hot pool. And me and my brother went to the that is not hot.

After we had a swimming on the children pool we decided to go to my parents in the hot pool so we can try how hot it was.

"It was  pretty grizzling hot". It's live your swimming in a lava pool.

Then after me and my brother experience the hot pool we changed to another pool. Which was the one that you will go into circle. Because there were something that stuck to the wall and will push you and the water.

Then we had a game on the children pool. It was similar to basketball. We had to shoot this little ball on the float.

And then on the middle pool we had a game to Its like football. We just had to score the ball into the football goal with are hands.

Then after all the fun that we had it was time to go home.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post. Make sure to comment. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Feeding the ducks.

Hola everyone,

After we went to Akaroa my parents decided to feed the ducks in water lake. 

We saw lots of different spices of ducks and colours. Their were also ducklings and eels. We saw one big eels in the lake. 

I didn't get to see the eel because I was getting chased by the duckling. So I decided not to go close to them and always close the gate. 

Hope you enjoyed my short story from my holiday.

Long drive with my family!

Hi everybody,

Me and my family went to Akaroa for a long drive including my grandpa and my grandma too. It takes one hour and thirty minutes to arrive there. I manage not to sleep in the car so I can see the views. 

As we drive to Akaroa the road were so scary and steep, there were some steep sharp corners. 

After we arrive In Akaroa we try to look for the restaurant. Me and my family went to look for some restaurant. But we can't find the restaurant that we wanted. So me, my brother and my grandparents waited on the bench so my parent went to look for restaurants. 

After a few minutes my parents manage to find the restaurant the we wanted and it was the Thai restaurant. 

First we ordered some food to eat. The food was very delicious in the Thai restaurant. After we ate are foods we also ate some Ice cream so some of the spiciness will be gone to our mouth. Then we had a rest to let our food go down to our stomach. 

Us we waited for my grandma and my Mum. Me, my brother, grandpa and my dad too pictures on the cannon from the olden days. 

we took lots of pictures and then saw lots of big and small boats. We didn't get to rid on the boat or swim with the dolphins because of my grandma she was scared. 

Make sure to comment on my blog post. "Thank you". 

Car wash!

Hi everyone,

So me and my brother helped our grandpa to wash my dad's car. Because my dad is at work.  

We washed the car with the hose, water and filled the bucket with water and mix the soap. My grandpa dip the sponged on the bucket and wipe it on the car. After we done cleaning the outside of the car. 

Then remove the carpet on the inside of the car and vacuum it. Few minutes later after we remove the carpet and vacuum it my brother ditch us he didn't help us anymore. 

We get a cotton clothes to wipe of the water of the car. 

After we all done does simple stuff we were on the next level. We dried the water from the car. I sprayed the tire with the tire shine. And sprayed the dashboard inside the car, the dashboard spray smell so good. And second to last sprayed the window. Last but not least wipe the rear light. 

Then my grandma drove the car to put it away in the garage. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog post. Make sure to comment down bellow.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Holiday Highlights

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog today I will tell you some of the highlights in my holiday. 

Chapter one
In our backyard at our house we had barbecue, we put coal inside the container and light it up with fire. We used an electric fan to make the fire light more. My dad place the meat on the grill. I made the sauce with ketchup and vegetable oil then put it on the meat.

Finally it was cooked I was very excited to taste it. I suddenly taste it and it was very delicious. It had a good texture with crispy on it and a little bit sweet. 

Chapter two
My grandpa was fixing our bike so we can ride them. I was the one who was helping him. I lift the bike and he put grease on the chain and spray it with oil. And he also fix the break on the bike and spray oil all over the bike.

Thank you for commenting on my blog. Tell me in the comments down below what you thought some of the highlight in my holiday. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

New Brighton.

Hello everyone,

On Saturday me, my family and my grandparents went to explore New Brighton.  We explored the bridge and take lots of photos. My grandparents was brave enough to go close to the seagull and take photos with them. 

But then there is this one person who was doing fishing on the bridge then he catch a baby shark. My dad was holding it and take a picture of the baby shark. It had two hooks on the  fin. I saw the mouth of it and the sharp looking bold teeth then they had to throw it. 

We also played on the playground and played the instrument. 

Here is the photos:

Thanks for reading my blog. Always make sure to comment on my blog and to study hard.

What I did in Saturday.

Hi awesome readers,

In Saturday me and my family including my grandpa and grandma went to gondola. So it was me, my dad and my grandpa in one cabin and my brother, my mum and my grandma ceperated. I was feeling nervous my heart was beating so fast when I was in the cabin and going up on the rope. 

When we are half way I looked down to the ground. I was feeling shocked not to look down. and then take picture of the view. When we are at the steap part the rope stopped. We reached the top of gondola we took pictures. We went to take pictures from the rocks in gondola and look at the amazing views. After we done taking photos everywhere. We went inside the shop from gondola and bought some souvenir and lots of clothes.

After that we went down to go back we had three stop over.

Here is some photos:

Hope you enjoyed my Saturday make sure to comment on my blog.

Marble day in school!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog I have something to tell you. So in are class we did marble day which means when we have 100 marble in our jar we do something fun. 

Are marble day was a presentation we had to pick the things that we want from the whiteboards. It was origami, signing, magic tricks and animation. I picked origami in origami I try to make a boomerang the first step I had to do is watch how to make a boomerang. I get a scrap paper and practice it so if I make a mistake. 

After we do what we want we had to present. I was the third last to do my presentation. I explained how does the boomerang flies and come back to you. And my classmate ask question about my boomerang. After we showcase are presentation we get an Easter egg.

Here is my boomerang:

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thai student went to visit our school.

Hola everyone,

The Thai student came to visit our school. And do some dance but they also did some speech from where they come from and what they were going to do.

Here it is:

Make sure to comment on my blog.(:

Health Leaders form?

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, On Wednesday it was time to do the health leader form. We went to our gym with the horny high school students. 

We had multiple of choices like st john and diabetes, sign language, intelligence emotional and Filipino dance. We also had module one and two. For module one I choose st john and diabetes. First they explained about diabetes. 

I learnt a fact about diabetes. So in diabetes there are three different types of diabetes. And there were low and high. And they also teach us what to do when somebody is injured and dial 911. 

In module two I picked sign language. I learnt some sign language like good morning, good afternoon, good night how are you and to learn the alphabet. I learnt how to do my name in sign language. 

Thank you for reading my blog. Make sure to comment.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Duffy Theater!

Hello everyone,

On Thursday duffy came to our school to present something. They were presenting a short movie of video games. 

There were three person who is presenting the movie. It was duffy and his friends. The story was when Duffy's cousin played video games to complete all the task when duffy always come to her house. They always played together on the video games. 

But this happened duffy was nought he wear granny's glasses and do her dance move. When he wear his granny's glasses and to her move he went to the real game which was duffy's cousin video games. Duffy's cousin was controlling him to escape. He can't think of anything to solve the problem. But then when he always build with bricks the mad, angry constriction destroyed it. He gets to wear any cloths he wants but it need to be the cloths in the game.  But then duffy's cousin went into the game because she wear her granny's glasses and do the dance move to help duffy. But then duffy's anti was angry at them so duffy had a plan. But then they memorise granny's move then they manage to escape. 

He also teach us some sign language of the duffy songs.

Here is some clips from duffy theater enjoy:)
The duffy's theater was amazing it was so fun to watch it. 

Don't forget to remember to comment on my blog. BYE(:

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

ANZAC Art Project!

Kia, ora readers,

Welcome back to my blog.

 Today I will show you what we did in art. 

So we did an ANZAC art. We had to draw with pastels to do the flowers, the stem and the background. 

Sometimes there was a mix colour of the pastels and the wax colour. If it is a pastel it will write on your hand and if is a wax colour it won't. 

We also need white plain paper. 

What colour pastel you need:

  • Orange 
  • blue 
  • light green
  • dark green
So I coloured my flowers with orange, then colour my stems with blue and the background was light green and dark green. 

I had to smudge the pastel with my fingers for the flowers. But then on the steams I don't have to. Just do a straight line or like a wobbly line. So on the last for my background I had to blend in the light green and the dark green. My teacher said not to leave any white spaces. 

By the way the camera wasn't quality enough so it looks like there were white colour. But in real life there is no white spaces. 
Hope you enjoyed my blog. Make sure to comment on my blog.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Weekly words "dramatic".

Kamusta everybody,

Welcome back to my blog, today I will tell you what is our weekly words of the day.

So are weekly word of the day was dramatic. 

Here it is:
By the way my sentences is not true story. It just made up.

Make sure to comment on my blog. Have a great day. BYE:). 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Mysterious Saturday?

Hola everybody,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I will tell you what happened on my weekend in Saturday. 

So on Saturday me, my brother, my parents and my grandpa and grandma went to the air force museum. 

We explored the whole place from the air force museum. We also take photos. We saw different kind of air planes. We saw the air force plane, the old plane from the past and the helicopters. Then we also take pictures of the machine from the air plane. The suit from the past for the air force. The old weapon that they use from the olden days.  The badges for the air force. And the people from the war that sacrifice their life.  

"I am very sorry for not adding picture from the air force museum". Because there was a problem  for uploading the pictures. 

But anyways I can get some pictures from google for the air force museum
Image result for air force museum airplanes

Image result for air force museum airplanes

Image result for air force museum badges
Image result for air force museum badges

Hope you enjoyed my blog post. Make sure to comment on my blog. Have a awesome day. "BYE" :).

Student Summit 2019 Project!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, I am very sorry for not making blog post for a long time. Because I had a busy week. 

So I join the Student Summit 2019. It means you have to present something to other school. So are project for the Student Summit 2019 was 1v1 basketball in scratch coding. 

I had three partners. Their names are Quaid and Aaron. We explained how scratch coding works. And what you can do with it. We put video in each boxes for each steps. And then we add a challenge time. Are challenge time was how to make a four pointed square with a sprite. 

Here is our project:
Scratch Coding.

Make sure to comment on my blog post. "Please"

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tuesday Weekly Words

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, today I will show you my weekly words that I made in school. 

I am very sorry for posting this late because I had a busy week. 

So in school our word of the day was glisten it sound the same as listening but the meaning wasn't the same. 

Here it is:

Make sure to comment on my blog.