
Sunday, April 14, 2019

What I did in Saturday.

Hi awesome readers,

In Saturday me and my family including my grandpa and grandma went to gondola. So it was me, my dad and my grandpa in one cabin and my brother, my mum and my grandma ceperated. I was feeling nervous my heart was beating so fast when I was in the cabin and going up on the rope. 

When we are half way I looked down to the ground. I was feeling shocked not to look down. and then take picture of the view. When we are at the steap part the rope stopped. We reached the top of gondola we took pictures. We went to take pictures from the rocks in gondola and look at the amazing views. After we done taking photos everywhere. We went inside the shop from gondola and bought some souvenir and lots of clothes.

After that we went down to go back we had three stop over.

Here is some photos:

Hope you enjoyed my Saturday make sure to comment on my blog.

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