
Friday, April 26, 2019

Long drive with my family!

Hi everybody,

Me and my family went to Akaroa for a long drive including my grandpa and my grandma too. It takes one hour and thirty minutes to arrive there. I manage not to sleep in the car so I can see the views. 

As we drive to Akaroa the road were so scary and steep, there were some steep sharp corners. 

After we arrive In Akaroa we try to look for the restaurant. Me and my family went to look for some restaurant. But we can't find the restaurant that we wanted. So me, my brother and my grandparents waited on the bench so my parent went to look for restaurants. 

After a few minutes my parents manage to find the restaurant the we wanted and it was the Thai restaurant. 

First we ordered some food to eat. The food was very delicious in the Thai restaurant. After we ate are foods we also ate some Ice cream so some of the spiciness will be gone to our mouth. Then we had a rest to let our food go down to our stomach. 

Us we waited for my grandma and my Mum. Me, my brother, grandpa and my dad too pictures on the cannon from the olden days. 

we took lots of pictures and then saw lots of big and small boats. We didn't get to rid on the boat or swim with the dolphins because of my grandma she was scared. 

Make sure to comment on my blog post. "Thank you". 

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