
Sunday, April 28, 2019

It's my mother's birthday.

Hi everyone, 

Welcome back to my blog,on the april 28 it was my mother special day and it was her birthday. 

So in her birthday I created this letter that I wrote with my hand and a pen and draw a picture. And then my grandma help to put the letter and the drawing in the envelop.

I wrote about her that she was the best Mum in the whole wild world. 

Then she thank you me, hug me and kiss me on the chick. 

After I gave her the letter we went to church to pray to god that make my mother birthday wonderful. 

And then after we go to church and pray, me and my brother got a new haircut. In Charles. Which is really far to our house because it is in the city.

After me and my brother got a new haircuts we went on this restaurant called garden. It is a restaurant that you can eat all you can. 

We waited there for 10 minutes in the car. 

The went to go inside the garden restaurant. We got six chairs and a long table. 

So in the eat all your can restaurant you can choose lots of food that is lay on the table. I got fish, and chips and chicken nibble. And then my parents and grand parents get fried rice and lots of more food. 

After we ate are dish me and my brother decided to go eat our desert and it was ice cream. And it was vanilla flavour on a plate then my brother put some sprinkles on his ice cream but me I didn't.

Make sure to comment on my blog post. "Thank you".


  1. Hi Shadrach and happy birthday to your mum. I hope she have a great day of life with you and your brother and her family. I hope for the best for you mum. I liked your present for your mum it was wonderful to your mum. And your grandma helped you create letter. God bless you all!

    Kind Regard Aaron

    1. Hi,

      Aaron thank you for saying positive stuff about my blog and my Mum's birthday. I appropriate it. Thank you Aaron.

  2. Hi Shadrach Happy Birthday to your mom. That's nice that you created a letter saying how you mom is the best mom ever. How was your moms birthday?

  3. Kamusta,

    Ken thank you for commenting on my blog for my Mum's birthday. And saying positive stuff. My Mum's birthday was fantastic. Thank you:).


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