
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Holiday Highlights

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog today I will tell you some of the highlights in my holiday. 

Chapter one
In our backyard at our house we had barbecue, we put coal inside the container and light it up with fire. We used an electric fan to make the fire light more. My dad place the meat on the grill. I made the sauce with ketchup and vegetable oil then put it on the meat.

Finally it was cooked I was very excited to taste it. I suddenly taste it and it was very delicious. It had a good texture with crispy on it and a little bit sweet. 

Chapter two
My grandpa was fixing our bike so we can ride them. I was the one who was helping him. I lift the bike and he put grease on the chain and spray it with oil. And he also fix the break on the bike and spray oil all over the bike.

Thank you for commenting on my blog. Tell me in the comments down below what you thought some of the highlight in my holiday. 


  1. Hi Shadrach, that was a very good blog post but I did notice that you said place not placed. You said it had a good crispy but it did not make sense. Also you added spray with oil twice. It was very organised you are doing very good on your goal.
    From Luke

    1. Hi,

      Luke thank you for commenting on my blog. And telling me my mistake so I can fix my mistake next time. I am very sorry about my writing for not making sense and pas tense. Thank you for commenting.See Yah!


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