
Thursday, June 27, 2019


Hi everyone,

At school we have been growing crystals for the past two weeks, and I will show you the process of making the crystals.

We are learning about crystals and rocks and how they are formed. And its called Earth Science. 

This is how crystals are formed. Crystals are formed when a rock is hollow, water goes in it and it takes a really long time. Minerals from the rock dissolve in the water and over time they form crystals. They are usually made from a pure mineral. 

Our crystal that we made at school was made from borax and hot boiling water. We had three pipe cleaners to make the crystals grow on the holes. And thigh the string to the pipe cleaners and the pencil. We make sure that the pipe cleaners was not touching the bottom. 

The crystals starting growing at the bottom and at the pipe cleaner, also the pipe cleaners became harder. 

What do you think will happen next?

Thank you everyone for reading my blog, make sure to leave a feedback about my blog post. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Weekly word (PARAPHERNALIA)!!!

Hi readers,

Welcome back to my blog, in this blog post I will show you my weekly word that I done at school.

The word of the day is paraphernalia and that is a massive word but a easy meaning. Why do we do weekly word?. We do weekly word for our intelligence to get more smarter and learnt new words and know the meaning. We also tried try to use it on our writing to have have some interesting words.

Anyways this is my weekly word that I've done to school.

I hope you learnt some thing new today and make sure to not forget to leave a comment on my blog. (:

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Playing basketball at Friday nights.

Welcome back everyone,

Last Friday at afternoon our school played basketball at middle ton grange school. My team were playing against hill view blue. 

I was so nervous because I was very late at my basketball ball game because of the traffic jam. It was a great game but not as fair as last time. Because when the opponents foul us the referee doesn't call it that why it was not fair.

But the mistake was I was lat to my basketball game so it was not nice and one of our player was angry because the referee doesn't call the foul. My team needs to work on marking because all my team mark just a player.
Image result for basketball games

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Winter Sports last Friday!!!

Kia, ora everyone,

I will be sharing with you about our winter sports.

We were exited to play another winter sports because last two week ago we didn't had winter sports at Friday because of the whether. Of course I played football and we were playing against South Hornby. We were really nervous because one of our football player which was the best was missing. 

This is the first time loosing our football game in winter sports, but at least we tried our best and not giving up. The score was tree one my football team scored one and the South Hornby team scored tree. We really tried our best not loosing football but at least I scored one goal for my team. 

It was a very nice playing football we played nice and fair.
Image result for football
Make sure to leave a comment of what you thought about my blog post. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019


Hello viewers,

In our writing we have been choosing a big problem and put it into a descriptive narrative writing. I had to put my descriptive native writing into sticky notes and arrange it to step by step and use the 5 sense. The five sense is Smell, taste, feel/touch hear see. 

We had been learning to write a descriptive narrative writing. And changing our writing to descriptive rather than telling. We had to use "the" rather than "I", for example "I saw the flag, "The flag had beautiful colours and waved at me". 

This is one of my descriptive narrative writing with paragraphs from what we have been doing from school. Here it is.

By the way I didn't do smell and taste on my five sense because it doesn't match with my descriptive narrative writing. 

I have a challenge for you when you are doing your writing make sure to use descriptive writing than telling. 

Suddenly my car stopped in the middle of the road.


Hear: I can hear lots of cars honking really loud at me.

Feel/touch: I can feel the steering wheel locked in place and can’t steer the wheel. .

Smell :

Taste :

See: I can see lots of cars stopping on the road and having traffic on the road.

My paragraph for cars
The brake squeaked as loud as a squirrel and obviously automatically forced my car to stop on the road. I felt the steering wheel locked into place and can’t steer it right and left.

My paragraph for road
Lots of car stopped on the road and having traffic on the road. Bosy people honk at me and doesn’t help me.

Have you ever use descriptive writing rather than telling writing?

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post and my descriptive narrative writing. Make sure to leave a comment. 

Monday, June 17, 2019

Weekly word!!! (Confidential)

Kamusta readers,

Welcome back to my blog, in this blog post I will show you my word of the day that we did as a class. Our word of the day is Confidential I will tell you an example of confidential. Passport is very important because it is confidential information about you. 

Have you ever use the confidential word in your sentence?

Here is a screenshot of my word of the day:
Thank you for reading my blog post, make sure to leave a feed back because I like reading your thoughts about my blog post.(:

Friday, June 14, 2019


Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, in maths we have been learning about the context of measurement. Context means understanding the words and the task. 

Our lovely teacher made a task for us in maths about measurement. So in the task we had to measure the length of the couch. The width of the piano and measure the width of the bookshelf in a non-standard way. 

Length means to measure the long part of something from end to end. Width means to measure something of the space side to side. And measure the non standard way means you measure something but not in a usual way and not using any ruler. For example you measure something with a dice. 

The length of the couch is 138 centimetres, the width of the piano is 24 centimetre and the bookshelf is the size of one Chromebook case. 

Yesterday I learnt that three dimensional has lots of sides and have different sizes. 

Thank you for reading my blog, make sure to leave a comment.Image result for ruler

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Making Metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks with chocolate.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will show you what we did in our topic and I will tell you how metamorphic rocks are made. So in our topic we made metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks with white chocolate and dark chocolate. 

Metamorphic rocks are made by heat and pressure from the rock on top of them and heat from near by magma. 

We had a bowl and then we grabbed the chocolates and imagined the chocolate was sediment. We ground the chocolate to make an example of weathering and grabbed a piece of thin foil and crunched it up together as hard as we could. We crunched it up together because our hands have heat and pressure. When we were grabbing the chocolates, our hands get sticky because of the chocolate. 

After we were done making our metamorphic rock, we made our igneous rock. We heated the chocolate and the marshmallow in the microwave for twenty seconds. After twenty seconds the chocolate and the marshmallow melted and looked really brown. 

When my teacher took the her metaphoric rock/chocolate it looked like it had layers. 

Last but not least it was the best part, it was taste time. The igneous rocks tasted so good than  the metamorphic rock. 

Here is a video of grinding the chocolate and a picture of rock cycle:

Thank you everyone for reading my blog post. Make sure to leave a comment.(:

DLO of our learning in maths. (How to solve square roots!!!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, in this blog post I will show you how to solve square roots. 

So my challenge that our teacher said in our group is to do a dlo of us explaining how to solve square roots. 

I also needed a google drawing to put the equation for my maths problems. 

Square roots are very easy when you really know multiplication and easy to explain but when you look at it, it ain't really difficult. 

Here is my video of my maths learning:

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you enjoyed it, make sure to leave a comment and share thoughts about my dlo for my maths learning.(:

Monday, June 10, 2019

Weekly words

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog on this blog post I will show you my word of the day that I have done in school. 

Yesterday I was oblivious to the meaning of the word of the day. Today I know that oblivious  means to be unaware of something or someone. 

Here is my picture of my word of the day:

I wonder if you were oblivious to what this word meant? Do you know now?

I hope you enjoyed my blog post of my weekly words, make sure to leave a comment. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Basketball Friday night.

Hi everyone,

In this blog post I will share you what happened in our basketball Friday nights.

Are team was called heat and we were playing against hotshot. Hotshot is our school team too so it is basically my school vs my school.

The score was 14 10 we had 14 and the opponents had 10. We won against them, and I scored four points.   was our first time winning our basketball game. We won because of our team work we were having good defend and shooting but we had to work on marking a player.

Our player of the day in our basketball team was a girl.

It was really fun versing our school team.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post of basketball and make sure to not forget to leave a comment. Image result for basketball

Winter Sport!!!

Hi everyone,

Last Friday we did our winter sports. I played football and I was in the hurricane football team. We played against wigrm.

The score was six four our team scored six and wigram scored four. My friend carried us because he was a professional football player. He scored five goals and I scored one goal because one thing that happened really funny. Is when I threw the ball to my team but they didn't missed it and the other team scored on their own goal.

We really had fun playing football for our winter sport. We are unstable for our football team.

I hope you enjoyed my story and make sure to leave a comment.(:
Image result for football pogba

Our Topic (Weathering)

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, in this blog post I will share with you what we have done in topic. In our class topic we are learning about weathering. I will also tell you what weathering means.

Weathering means, damaging something that really, does critical damage from the atmosphere. Like with rain, heat, earthquakes, cyclones, tornadoes, lightning bolts, snow, tsunamis and more.

So the first thing that my team did is gets lots of sand and put it on our tray. After my team put all the sand in the tray I got all the accessories the we need. The accessories that I got was the sketch tape, ruler, pencil and a plastic cup.

We also get lots of plants and stones for the detail and make two volcanoes that looks like it is erupting. We poke a hole with the pencil in the plastic cup and place the ruler between the tray. And put the ruler and the cup where we want to go for the water. And we also put tape on the plastic cup and on the ruler to hold together and to be secure so the cup doesn't it fall when we put the water in it. We also made a river so the water goes flows.

When we pour water in the plastic cup I saw little bubbles on the side because of the sand get soaked from the water. And I also saw the water flows down our river path and the colour where changing to glossy clear.

Hear is some of the photos that we took and my teams video:

Hope you enjoyed my blog post, make sure to leave a comment.(:

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Weekly word!!!


Readers welcome back to my blog, today I will show you my weekly word.

The word of the day is jostling, It sounds like a familiar word for a Circus show, but it is not. It has to do with your action of your body.

Here is my weekly word:

Thank you for reading my blog post, make sure to leave a comment please.(:

Monday, June 3, 2019

Vaccination appointment :(

Hi readers,

At Saturday I had my injection appointment in Ricarton clinic for my eleven years old.  

As me and my parents stepped on the Ricarton clinic aisle. I felt really scared and my heart were beating so fast that I was almost passing out because I was getting tree injection. 

When I was getting my injection my doctor was speaking to me and asking me question so I don't get afraid. I had two injection on my left hand and one in my wright hand. The two injection that I had on my left hand was flue and anti-cancer. And on the right side hand I had chicken pocks. 

My left hand was feeling really numb and stingy, It felt like a queen bee stinging. But then the worst thing is I will get another injection in 6 months.

Hope you guys enjoyed my story of my injection appointment. Image result for injection appointment