
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Our Topic (Weathering)

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my blog, in this blog post I will share with you what we have done in topic. In our class topic we are learning about weathering. I will also tell you what weathering means.

Weathering means, damaging something that really, does critical damage from the atmosphere. Like with rain, heat, earthquakes, cyclones, tornadoes, lightning bolts, snow, tsunamis and more.

So the first thing that my team did is gets lots of sand and put it on our tray. After my team put all the sand in the tray I got all the accessories the we need. The accessories that I got was the sketch tape, ruler, pencil and a plastic cup.

We also get lots of plants and stones for the detail and make two volcanoes that looks like it is erupting. We poke a hole with the pencil in the plastic cup and place the ruler between the tray. And put the ruler and the cup where we want to go for the water. And we also put tape on the plastic cup and on the ruler to hold together and to be secure so the cup doesn't it fall when we put the water in it. We also made a river so the water goes flows.

When we pour water in the plastic cup I saw little bubbles on the side because of the sand get soaked from the water. And I also saw the water flows down our river path and the colour where changing to glossy clear.

Hear is some of the photos that we took and my teams video:

Hope you enjoyed my blog post, make sure to leave a comment.(:

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