
Monday, June 3, 2019

Vaccination appointment :(

Hi readers,

At Saturday I had my injection appointment in Ricarton clinic for my eleven years old.  

As me and my parents stepped on the Ricarton clinic aisle. I felt really scared and my heart were beating so fast that I was almost passing out because I was getting tree injection. 

When I was getting my injection my doctor was speaking to me and asking me question so I don't get afraid. I had two injection on my left hand and one in my wright hand. The two injection that I had on my left hand was flue and anti-cancer. And on the right side hand I had chicken pocks. 

My left hand was feeling really numb and stingy, It felt like a queen bee stinging. But then the worst thing is I will get another injection in 6 months.

Hope you guys enjoyed my story of my injection appointment. Image result for injection appointment


  1. Hello Shadrach.
    Well done to you for being brave and showing perseverance. Some people are ok with having injections and some aren't. I don't mind getting them but I won't watch them put the needle in. that's nice that your doctor was talking to you to reassure you that everything would be ok.
    I hope you are feeling better now.
    Have a great night.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello,

    Mrs Cassidy Thank you for commenting on my blog.

    It really sting when I got my vaccination because on the left side hand I got two injection and they are anti- cancer and flue. And on the right sided it doesn't hurt because it was just for chicken pocks.

    Don't worry Mrs Cassidy I am fine now

  3. Hi Shadrach.
    I am so glad that you are ok. You are a very pleasant boy and you have wonderful manners. I look forward to reading your next blog. Have a great night.

    1. Hello,

      Mrs Cassidy thank you for saying that I am brave and have wonderful manners. I am not really brave when I was in the clinic because I keep telling my mother how does it feel like.

      You are the kindness person Mrs Cassidy.

      Kind regards:
      Shadrach :)

  4. Thank Shadrach.
    Have a super day tomorrow!

    1. Hi,

      Mrs Cassidy no problem because you are the one who keeps commenting on my blog post to keep my learning awesome.

      Thank you Mrs Cassidy again.(:


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